Venice | S.S.

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Sadie had just gotten to her best friend, Rose's apartment with her suitcase. They were going to going to the Venice together for the Armani event and decided on meeting at her apartment.

When Sadie knocked on the door, Rose opened it and greeted her with a warm smile. Sadie walked into the apartment, leaving her suitcase and backpack by the door and going to sit on the couch.

"I hope it's okay I invited my sister to go with us." Rose said as she walked over to Sadie.

"What?" Sadie furrowed her eyebrows. "No, it's not okay. This is a business trip, not a vacation."

"Yeah, but, she's living with me temporarily and I just felt really bad leaving her here all alone." Rose said as she played with her fingers.

Sadie crossed her arms and let out a huff as she leaned back in the couch. "I don't care-"

Sadie got cut off by you walking through the living room to leave your suitcase by the front door. Her eyes followed you as they trailed up and down your body. When you walked passed them again you smiled at both of them.

"Hey, guys." You waved at them and went back into your room.

"Hey y/n/n." Rose waved back, looking back at Sadie and seeing how her mouth was slightly agape and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"That- that's your sister?" Sadie asked, pointing down the hallway to where you previously went. Rose nodded at her. "No, yeah, she can come." Sadie quickly amended.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Don't get too excited. She has a girlfriend."

"Well, not for long." Sadie cockily said.


Once you all got through security and you got to the gate at the airport, you and Sadie went out to find some lunch while Rose stayed by your seats.

"What are you in the mood for?" Sadie asked you.

"I've really been craving McDonalds for some reason." You said which caused Sadie to chuckle.

"I think there's one down here somewhere." Sadie told you before she spotted the big yellow M. "There it is."

Once you and Sadie got lunch, you started walking back to your gate. During the walk back, Sadie kept asking you questions to try and get to know you more.

"So, Rose told me you have a girlfriend?" Sadie said.

"Uh, yeah. Probably not for much longer though." You told her.

"Why?" Sadie asked.

"We've been getting into a lot of fights recently." You explained. "It's just not working out anymore."

"I'm sorry." Sadie apologized.

You shrugged. "It's alright." 

The rest of the walk back to the gate was silence. Not awkward though. When you got back to your gate, Rose was sitting at a hightop table with your carry on bags scattered around her. Sadie set the McDonalds bag down and you all dug in.


Once on the plane, you sat in the window seat, Sadie sat in the middle seat, and Rose sat in the aisle seat. While the flight attendants were giving safety rules, you got another angry text from your girlfriend. You let out a sigh and opened your text messages.

Sadie glanced at you when she heard you sigh. "Trouble in paradise?"

You nodded as you texted your girlfriend back. "Yeah. She's upset that i'm going to Venice."

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