The Ex Girlfriend | M.M.

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Today your friend, Chloe, from Florida was coming to Hawkins to visit you. She was also your ex-girlfriend but the two of you were on good terms. The only reason you guys broke up was because you were moving and neither of you wanted to long distance.

You told her that you would always love her and that if you two were really meant to be than you would find your way back to each other. But, of course feelings change and once you moved to Hawkins, you fell in love with Max. You never told Chloe that you got a new girlfriend because you felt like you were betraying her in some sort of way.

You were sitting on the couch in your living room, reading a magazine, when there was a knock on the door. You smiled as you set your magazine down and went over to the door. You opened it and saw Chloe standing in the doorway.

"Y/n!" Chloe exclaimed once she saw you.

She quickly wrapped her arms around your neck, hugging you. You hugged her back but the force of her pouncing on you made you spin around so your back was facing the door.


Chloe cut you off by placing her lips on yours. You widened your eyes in shock. Of course you knew that she would still have feelings for you but you didn't think she would kiss you the second she saw you.

"y/n, I'm here to- What the fuck?!"

You quickly pulled away from Chloe at the sound of Max's voice. You turned to face Max with a nervous look on your face. Max didn't look hurt. Just angry and confused.

"What is going on?!" Max asked you.

"Uh..." You pointed at Chloe. "This is Chloe. My friend from Florida. Chloe, this is..."

Your mind went blank as you were still in shock from Chloe kissing you. Max crossed her arms and clenched her jaw.

"Max." Max answered for you.

"Right! Chloe, this is Max." You said and Chloe nodded. "She's my-" You paused again.

"Girlfriend!" Max exclaimed.

"Girlfriend!" You repeated as you snapped your fingers.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." Chloe said as she removed her arms from around your neck, dragging one of her hands down to your chest before bringing it to her side which made Max's blood boil.

"Did I forget to mention that?" You nervously laughed. "Whoopsie. But, uh... i'm sure the three of us are gonna have a great time together, right?"

"Right." Chloe nodded.

"Sure." Max answered as she glared at Chloe. "y/n, can I talk to you for a second? Thanks."

Max didn't give you any time to answer as she harshly grabbed your arm and pulled you into your kitchen where Chloe couldn't see or hear you.

"Y/n, you better have an explanation and you better hope it's a good one." Max sternly said.

"First of all! I just wanna say... you look great today. Did you do something different with your hair?" You asked her.


You sighed. "Chloe used to be my girlfriend before I moved here."

"No shit. Why didn't you tell her you had a girlfriend?" Max asked.

"It never came up..." You shrugged. "But, she doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I swear."

"Is she staying here?" Max asked.

"No, she has a hotel with her parents." You answered.

"But you expect me, your girlfriend, to hang out with you and your ex?" Max clarified. "Do you realize how that sounds?"

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