The Movies | Z.B.

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Ziggy g!p

You and Ziggy were on a date at the movies. You guys were sitting close to the front and there were only a couple other people in the theatre.

Half way through the movie, you felt Ziggy put her hand on your thigh. You didn't think anything of it because she always did stuff like that when you guys were on dates. A few seconds later she slid her hand up further and under your skirt.

You looked over at her but her eyes were glued to the big screen in front of you. You let out a small sigh as you looked back at the screen. You felt Ziggy's thumb rub over your clothed clit causing you to slightly jump and grab her wrists.

"What the fuck are you doing?" You whispered to her.

Ziggy looked at you with a slight smirk. "The movie is boring me. I wanna have some fun."

"Well, can it wait till after the movie?" You asked her.

"Nobody's gonna be paying attention to us." Ziggy said as she moved your underwear to the side.

You sighed as you looked back at the screen and so did Ziggy. You felt her pointer finger brush up against your clit causing you to let out a little whimper.

"Just enjoy it, sweetheart." Ziggy whispered.

Ziggy ran her fingers through your folds before sticking the tips of her fingers in your hole. Your breathing picked up as you couldn't even focus on the movie in front of you. All you wanted was her fingers inside of you.

"Ziggy..." You whined.

"Be patient." Ziggy ordered.

After a few more minutes of her teasing you and you silently begging, she finally thrusted her middle and ring finger inside of your dripping wet cunt.

"Fuck." You whispered as you slightly bucked your hips.

Ziggy started to pump her fingers in and out of you causing you to slightly throw your head back at the pleasure. You gripped onto her arm as you tried so hard to suppress your moans. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Ziggy smirking.

Ziggy was hard as a rock at the feeling of your walls clenching around her fingers. Her fingers were now knuckles deep inside of you, hitting that spot inside of you over and over again. The spot that made you see stars.

You felt Ziggy quicken her paste causing you to quickly put your hand over your mouth. You looked over at her and her eyes were still glued to the screen. You looked down and noticed the bulge in her jeans, yet she was controlling herself so well.

She started to rub your clit with her thumb as she continued to pump her fingers in and out of you. You spread your legs a little more, allowing her to push her fingers deeper inside of you.

You felt that familiar knot form in your stomach as your walls began to clench around your fingers. Ziggy knew you were about to orgasm. She smirked as she pulled her fingers out of you, leaving you unsatisfied as your orgasm began to fade away.

Ziggy moved her hand away from you, putting it back in her own lap. You slightly sat up and looked at her with a pleading expression.

"Ziggy..." You whispered. "Please, let me finish."

Ziggy ignored you and continued to watch the movie. You picked up her hand, moving it back under your skirt but she just pulled her hand away from you and put it back in her lap. You huffed as you turned back to the screen.


The movie was over and now you and Ziggy are driving back home. Ziggy was driving and you were in the passenger seat. You were still a upset at her because of the stunt she pulled during the movie.

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