Birthday Sex | M.M.

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For those of you who have read Electricity this is the continuation of the smut for Liv's birthday

"Wake up, loser! It's your birthday!" Max yelled as she jumped on Liv.

Liv groaned. "five more minutes."

"No. Get up or else." Max threatened.

Liv didn't respond. Max rolled her eyes before she started to tickle Liv. Liv immediately woke up and bursted into a fit of laughter.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" Liv laughed.

Max didn't stop. Liv flipped their positions so that she was straddling Max's waist. Liv pinned Max's hands above her head as she breathed heavily. Max smirked as she stared into Liv's eyes.

"Why did my birthday have to be the day before spring break? Why couldn't I have been born tomorrow?" Liv asked.

Max laughed. "I don't know."

Liv looked down at Max's lips before looking into her eyes. "Birthday sex?"

"Anything for the birthday girl." Max smiled before Liv crashed her lips against Max's.

Max pulled away from the kiss. "Let me top you."

"No, you're always top. And it's my birthday." Liv whined.

"Fine." Max pouted.

Liv smirked as she pulled off her sports bra and threw it on the ground.

"Everyday you get more and more sexier." Max said as she admired Liv's breasts.

Liv didn't respond and pulled down her sweatpants and underwear.

"So fucking sexy." Max breathed out as she caressed Liv's waist.

"I know you just got dressed, but... I'm gonna need you to take off your clothes." Liv told her.

Max didn't even hesitate in taking her shirt off and getting rid of her jeans. Liv reached around Max and unclasped her bra before she threw it on the ground. Liv pulled down Max's underwear before straddling her again.

Max wrapped her arms around Liv's waist as she sat up and leaned against the headboard of her bed. Liv smiled before she started to kiss Max's neck.

"Mm." Max slightly moaned.

Max tilted her head back to give Liv more access. Max gasped when she felt Liv bite down on her neck. Liv sucked and bit on Max's neck, leaving a few hickies.

Max trailed her hands down Liv's waist all the way down to her ass. She lightly squeezed Liv's ass causing Liv to moan against her neck. Liv detached her lips from Max's neck and she smirked as she admired her work.

"What are you smirking at?" Max asked.

Liv removed her gaze from Max's neck and looked into her eyes with an innocent smile. "Nothing."


Liv attached her lips to Max's and passionately made out with her. She started to move her hips back and forth, grinding against Max. Max removed her lips from Liv's and kissed down her jawline all the way down to her chest.

"Oh, shit." Liv groaned at the feeling of their clits rubbing together.

Liv slightly leaned her head back and tangled her fingers in Max's hair as Max left hickies all over her chest.

"Fuck, I think I'm gonna cum." Liv moaned as she threw her head back.

Before Liv could cum, Max quickly flipped their positions so that she was hovering over Liv. Liv gasped at Max's sudden actions. Max gave Liv a peck on the lips before she spread Liv's legs.

"Can I?" Max asked.

"I love when you ask for consent..." Liv said in a hushed tone.

"Consent is everything." Max winked before lowering her head in between Liv's thighs.

Max hovered for a moment, letting Liv feel her warm breath.

"Uh!" Liv moaned once Max slipped her tongue inside her. She tangled her fingers in Max's hair as Max thrusted in and out. "Oh, fuck!"

Max swirled her tongue inside of Liv, trying to find her g-spot.

"Oh, god!" Liv moaned once she found it.

Liv pulled on Max's hair as she felt her orgasm building back up. Max didn't care when Liv pulled on her hair. She liked it when she pulled.

Liv's moans got louder as Max continued to tongue fuck her. Max removed her tongue and flicked Liv's clit before sucking on it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Max!" Liv screamed as she arched her back and came.

Liv panted as she came down from her high and Max licked up all her cum. Max lifted her head up and kissed Liv so that she could taste herself.

"Fuck, Max." Liv panted as Max laid down next to her.

"Happy birthday." Max smiled as she leaned on her elbow.

Liv sighed. "Happy birthday indeed."


Sorry that this one is shorter than the other one.

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