Camp Fights | Z.B.

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You and Ziggy were walking across the field when Sheila and her goons came up to you.

"Hey, witch." Sheila said to you.

"What do you want, Sheila?" You asked.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Tommy." Sheila smirked. "Although I can't say I'm surprised that he went all psycho."

"Fuck off, Sheila." Ziggy bit back.

Sheila ignored Ziggy and pushed your shoulder. "You're whole family is a bunch of psychotic screw ups. You know, I'm not even surprised your dad left-"

Sheila got cut off by Ziggy punching her in the face. Your eyes widened as you looked at Ziggy then back at Sheila.

"You bitch." Sheila insulted before tackling Ziggy to the ground and repeatedly punching her in the face.

"Ziggy!" You yelled.

"Sheila, stop you're gonna hurt her!" One of Sheila's goons called out.

Ziggy managed to flip their positions and continued to beat up Sheila. In the distance you could hear Kurt and Nick blowing their whistles and yelling at the two girls to stop. You pulled Ziggy off of Sheila as Kurt and Nick came over to you. Nick and Kurt yelled at the two girls before you grabbed Ziggy's hand and pulled her into Nurse Lanes office.

"Ziggy." Nurse Lane said in shock as she looked at Ziggys bleeding nose and black and blue eye.

You sat Ziggy down on the bed before going over to help Nurse Lane with the tissues and ice.

"What did she do this time?" Nurse Lane wondered, glancing over at Ziggy who hadn't said a word since the fight.

"Sheila started talking shit about my family and Ziggy decided that the best idea was to fight her." You explained.

Nurse Lane sighed.

"Do you think they're gonna let us stay at camp?" You wondered.

"You? Yes. Her? No. Kurt is probably gonna kick both Sheila and Ziggy out." Nurse Lane told you. "Maybe even keep them locked up in their cabins until their parents arrive."

You looked down with a frown.

"You and your girlfriend have big plans, tonight?" Nurse Lane asked.

You smiled. "She's not my girlfriend."

"I think you better tell her that." Nurse Lane said.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What?"

"Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart." Nurse Lane handed you the ice. "And that damn stupid."

You looked over at Ziggy, who was looking down at the ground. You walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"I got some ice." You said.

"Thanks." Ziggy quietly said as she put it against her eye.

You looked down at the ground. "Thanks for sticking up for me."

"Of course. I'd do anything for you." She said.

You looked at her to see that she was already looking at you with a smile, which you returned. Her gaze flickered down to your lips and then back to your eyes. You both slowly leaned in until your lips touched. You put your hand son her cheeks as her hands went to your waist. You both pulled away and smiled.

"I've been waiting months to do that." Ziggy softly said with a smile.

"Me too, Zigs." You said before going back in for another kiss.


this sucks

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