Just A Hookup | Z.B.

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Ziggy g!p

It was around 10:30 at night and you were waiting for Ziggy to show up. The two of you have been hooking up for a couple weeks now. You've made a 'no strings attached' rule when you started but you broke that rule a while ago. For a while now you've wanted nothing more than to be her girlfriend but you knew she just thought of you as a hookup so you kept your real feelings to yourself.

There was a knock on your window which brought you away from your thoughts. You stood up from your bed and walked over to the window. You saw Ziggy outside the window with a smile on her face. You opened the window and she crawled inside your bedroom.

"Hey." Ziggy smiled.

"Hey. Why'd you come through the window?" You asked her.

"I always come through the window." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but, I told you that you could come through the front door because my parents are away for the weekend, remember?" You reminded her.

"Oh, yeah." Ziggy nodded.

You chuckled. "So why'd you wanna come over?"

"Cause we haven't seen eachother in a while and i've missed you." Ziggy smiled.

"Yeah?" You smiled.


"Alright, then..." You stepped closer to her, resting your arms on her shoulders. "Where do you want me tonight?"

"On the bed." Ziggy ordered.

You pulled down your sweatpants and pulled off your shirt. You weren't wearing a bra since it was late at night. You took off your underwear and got on the bed, spreading your legs open for her.

Ziggy took off all her clothes and walked over to your bedside table. She opened the drawer and pulled out a condom. You watched as she ripped it open with her teeth and then slid the condom on. She stroked herself as she got on the bed and positioned herself between your legs.

"Are you ready?" Ziggy asked as she put her hand on your lower stomach and aligned herself with your hole.

"Yeah." You said as you propped yourself up on your elbows.

Ziggy slowly pushed herself inside of you causing you to let out a groan and throw your head back.

"Fuck." You whispered.

"Let me know when to move." Ziggy told you as she knew you needed to adjust to her size due to how tight you were.

You let out a breath. "You can move."

Ziggy started to slowly thrust in and out of you. You let out soft moans as you looked down to watch her slide in and out of you. Her dick was about halfway in and she was thrusting painfully slow. You looked up to see that she was already looking at you.

"Uh." You moaned. "Can you go faster?"

Ziggy sped up her paste and thrusted all the way inside of you. You arched your back as you let out a loud moan.

"Oh, fuck!" You screamed once Ziggy hit that spot inside of you that made you see stars. "Zi- Ziggs..."

"You can take it. I know you can." She said.

You moans became louder and more frequent as she continued to pound your tight hole. You were a moaning mess and you could feel her rearranging your insides.

"Does that feel good?" Ziggy asked.

"Y-yes." You practically moaned out.

Ziggy smirked as she lifted your leg up and put your ankle on her shoulder so that she could fuck you at a new angle.

"Oh my god!" You screamed.

The new angle was giving you a new sense of pleasure. Ziggy brought her hand down and started to rub your clit in circles.

"You look so pretty while being fucked." Ziggy seductively said.

She knew you were close to cumming and she knew that the best way to get you there was praise.

As of right now, the only sounds filling the room were your moans, Ziggy's groans, and skin slapping. And occasionally you would moan out her name.

A few seconds later, you felt that familiar knock form in your stomach. Your walls clenched around Ziggy's dick, making it harder for her to thrust, as you hit your orgasm.

"Ziggy!" You screamed as you arched your back. "Fuck! I'm cumming!"

"Oh, shit." Ziggy groaned as she threw her head back and came into the condom.

Ziggy pulled out of you and took off the condom. She got off your bed and threw it out before laying down next to you.

"You're staying?" You asked as you turned to face her.

Usually after your hookup, she would give you some aftercare and then leave. This was the first time she actually got back in bed with you after throwing out her condom.

"Yeah." Ziggy nodded. "If that's okay with you. I figured that you wouldn't wanna be left alone since your parents are gone for the weekend."

You smiled. "Yeah, that's okay with me."

Ziggy smiled as she wrapped her arm around your waist and pulled you closer to her. You blushed as you rested your head and hand on her chest.



"I don't think I wanna be your hookup anymore." You said.

"What?" Ziggy asked.

You lifted your head from her chest. "This is gonna sound stupid, but, I really like you a lot and I broke our no strings attached rule a long time ago."

Ziggy just stared at you.

"I wanna be your girlfriend, Ziggs. I wanna have sex with you and have it actually mean something." You told her. "I wanna go on dates with you and do stupid couple things together."

Ziggy smiled. "I think I can make that work."

"Really?" You smiled.

"Mhm." Ziggy nodded. "But, y/n/n, our hookups have always meant something to me."

"They have?" You blushed as your smile got bigger.

"Yeah." Ziggy nodded.

"They've always meant something to me too." You said.

Ziggy blushed. "So, uh, will you officially be my girlfriend?"

You leaned in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Of course."

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