Fight | M.M. (Part 2)

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Later that night, Max climbed up the side of your house to your bedroom window. Once she looked through your window she saw you walk into your room with a laundry basket full of clothes. She slightly laughed at the bored look on your face and watched you close the door with your foot.

Max lifted up the window causing you to quickly look over there. A big smile grew on your face as you watched Max climb through your bedroom window. You put down the laundry basket and ran over to her, wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing her. Max giggled as she put her hands on your face and kissed you back.

"Missed me that much?" Max asked once she pulled away.

"Mhm." You replied before going back in for another kiss.

Max tilted her head, deepening the kiss as you two started to make out. You gave her hips a squeeze causing her to slightly moan giving you an opportunity to slip your tongue in her mouth. Your tongue danced with hers as you two battled for dominance. Once Max needed some air she pulled away.

"Is your mom still awake?" Max asked you.

"Yeah. She's watching TV." You replied.

"Can we wait for her to go to bed before we... you know." She asked.

"Of course. Wanna watch a movie?" You suggested.

"Sure." Max nodded before going to sit in your bed.

You went over to your desk and rummaged around in your movie drawer before pulling out Fast Times.

"No. Pick a different movie." Max ordered.

"What? Why?" You asked.

"Because I know you just wanna drool over Phoebe Cates. Put it away." Max said.

You groaned before putting it away and pulling out a different movie. You put the movie in your TV before going over to Max. You sat down in between her legs with your back pressed against her front. She wrapped her arms around your waist and planted a light kiss on your neck before looking up to watch the movie you put on.

"I wanna watch Phoebe Cates." You pouted.

"If you wanted to watch a girl take off her bikini top you could've just asked me." Max smirked.

"Shut up." You said causing Max to chuckle.

"Is your mom gonna come in here to say goodnight to you?" Max asked worried that your mom would come into your room and send her home.

"Usually she does but she's pretty mad at me so she might just knock." You shrugged.

"Good. How's your hand?" Max wondered as she ran her fingers over your wrapped up hand.

"Still hurts." You told her as you looked at her hand that was on top of yours.

"What about your nose?" Max asked.

"Broken." You responded.

Max laughed. "Stacy broke your nose?"

"Yes. Why is that funny?" You asked, offended.

"Because she has noodle arms." Max said.

"I didn't invite you over here to make fun of me." You said before moving your hand away from hers. "If that's what you're gonna do than leave."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Max slightly smiled as she put her hand on your thigh.

You ignored her and continued to watch the movie because you were annoyed that she basically called you weak.

"y/n/n..." She whispered in your ear as she trailed her hand over to the waistband of your shorts causing you to shudder.


"I said I'm sorry." Max repeated herself in that raspy voice that drives you nuts.

She slipped her fingers in the waistband of your underwear and ran them through your folds causing you to slightly gasp.

"I thought you wanted to wait for my mom to go to bed?" You asked her.

"If you're quiet we'll be fine." She told you before starting to rub slow circles on your clit.

"Mmm." You softly moaned.

"Does that feel good?" Max asked.


"How about..." Max moved her fingers down to your hole and pushed two fingers inside. "This."

"Shit..." You whispered.

Max started to thrust her fingers in and out of you. "I bet you've been thinking about this all day, huh?"

You closed your eyes and leaned your head back on her shoulder. Max slowly leaned down and started to kiss your neck as she continued to thrust in and out of you. She left a few hickeys on your neck before pulling away.

"More..." You begged.

Max sped up her movements as she pushed her fingers deeper inside of you. Once she hit that spot inside of you, you quickly opened your eyes and almost screamed out her name. Max acted fast and quickly placed her hand over your mouth.

"y/n?" you heard your mom's voice followed by a knock on the door. "I'm gonna head to bed. You ok?"

You lifted your head up with wide eyes and looked at your bedroom door. Max smirked as she uncovered your mouth and whispered in your ear.

"Go ahead, y/n/n. Answer her."

"Uh..." You spoke as Max sped up her paste, hitting your g-spot over and over again causing you to grab onto her wrist. "Y-yeah! I'm good..."

"Okay. Goodnight." Your mom said.

You heard footsteps and you knew she walked away. You let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"That kind of turned me on. Knowing that your mom could walk in and see me fucking you..." Max told you.

You felt that familiar knot form in your stomach and Max felt your walls clench around her fingers. She knew that you were about to orgasm so she put her hand back over your mouth just in case you let out a moan.

"Cum, darling." Max said.

Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came all over her fingers. Max knew that if her hand hadn't been over your mouth then you'd probably be a moaning mess. She let you ride out your high before uncovering your mouth and pulling her fingers out.

Max brought her fingers up to your mouth. "Clean up your mess, will you?"

You didn't respond. You just opened your mouth and she put her fingers in. You started to suck on her fingers and when she knew they were clean she pulled them out.

"Fuck, Max." You breathed out as you leaned your head back on her shoulder.

"We just did." Max smiled as she looked down at you.

You let out a little giggle. "When do you have to go home?"

"How about we finish this movie and then I'll leave?" Max suggested to you.

"Sounds good." you nodded.

"Alright then." She put her hand on your thigh and caressed it as you both went back to watching the movie.

LOOK AT ME UPLOADING TWICE IN ONE DAY!!!! WHOOOOOO (this will probably never happen again lol)

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