Babysitting | S.S.

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"Hey, babe?" You said as you walked into the kitchen to see Sadie making lunch.

"Yeah?" Sadie asked as she looked at you.

"I just got off the phone with my brother. He's on his way over with Tommy." You informed her.

Tommy was your 7 year old little brother. Your parents had wanted you to babysit him because they were going out for the day and he loved spending time with you and Sadie.

"Yay. I miss him." Sadie smiled.

"He misses you too. I think he loves you more than me." You said with a slight laugh as you walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her waist, hugging from behind. "He said he wanted us to take him to the hockey game."

"That sounds fun." Sadie said.

You planted a light kiss on Sadie's neck. Sadie turned around with your arms still wrapped around her waist. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around your neck and slowly leaned in to kiss you.

"Shield your eyes, Tommy." Your other brother, Wyatt, said as he covered Tommy's eyes with his hand. "The lovebirds are having a moment."

You and Sadie pulled away from the kiss at the sound of his voice. You two were so caught in your moment that you didn't even hear them walk in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" You asked him.

Wyatt playfully rolled his eyes. Tommy removed Wyatt's hand from over his eyes and ran over to you.

"Y/n!" He tackled you in a hug causing you to stumble back a little.

"Oh. Hey, bud." You smiled.

"Thanks for watching him today." Wyatt said.

"No problem." You shrugged.

Wyatt left your apartment as Tommy finally let go of you.

"Hey. Where's my hug?" Sadie asked.

Tommy laughed before going to hug Sadie. Sadie smiled as she picked him up and held him around her waist.

"I heard you wanted to go to the hockey game." Sadie said and Tommy nodded. "Why don't you eat the lunch I made and then we'll get ready."

Sadie put Tommy down and handed him some of the food she made. You smiled as you watched their interaction. You always loved how sweet Sadie was with Tommy.

Tommy took the plate and ran over to the table and sat down. Sadie then made a plate for you and then a plate for yourself before you both sat at the table and ate.

"Y/n?" Tommy said.

"Hm?" You replied as you took a sip of your water.

"When are you gonna marry Sadie?" He asked causing you to choke on your water.

Sadie looked at you with a slight smile as you put down your glass of water.

"Uh..." you looked at Sadie and she raised an eyebrow. You then looked back at Tommy. "In a few years. When im older."

"Do you promise?" He asked.

"I do." You confidently replied. "Hey, why dont you go play in the game room."

"Okay." Tommy stood up and ran into your game room.

"Well, now we have to get married." Sadie smirked.

"I think that can be arranged." You smirked back at her.

"Im getting tired of my last name." Sadie winked.

"Sadie y/l/n has a nice ring to it." You gave her a quick kiss before you picked up Tommy's plate and brought it back into the kitchen.


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