Fight | M.M. (Part 1)

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You and the party are seniors in high school

You were sitting at your lunch table, waiting for the other party members to arrive. You were mostly excited to see Max cause you weren't able to see each other over the weekend because you had to work.

"Hey, y/n."

You turned around and saw Stacy standing behind you with her friends and you mentally rolled your eyes at her. You've hated her ever since she made Dustin cry at the Snow Ball in 8th grade.

"Where are your... friends?" Stacy asked. "More importantly where's Max? I heard she's looking pretty hot today."

"Excuse you?" You asked as you stood up.

"You heard me. You don't think you're the only one who likes her, do you? I heard she's out fucking everyone on the weekends." Stacy smirked. "Including me. She can last a while. Best sex I've ever had."

You knew she was messing with you. Max would never do anything like. However, it still made you mad to hear Stacy talk about Max like that.

"Don't talk about her like that." You said as you clenched your fists.

"Why? Afraid that Max is gonna-"

You cut her off by punching her in the face, earning gasps from other students. Stacy fell to the floor as her nose started to bleed.

You kneeled down next to her. "I said don't talk about her like that."

"Fuck you." Stacy cursed before punching you in the nose.

"Oh, shit!" You heard a student yell.

You stood back up as you reached your hand up to feel the blood coming out of your nose. You wiped the blood with your sleeve as Stacy stood up with an insane grin

"Get her, y/n!" Another student yelled.

"Beat her ass!" Someone else shouted.

Stacy threw another punch at you but you ducked before she could hit you. She then caught you off guard by throwing a punch at your stomach. You groaned as you hunched over in pain.

You tackled her to the ground and started to repeatedly hit her in the face. As this was going on, Max and the others walked into the lunchroom to see a crowd of people. Curious, they all walked over to see what was going on. Let's just say Max wasn't happy to see you beating the shit out of someone.

The security guard and principal came over and pried you off of Stacy. The principal went to make sure she was okay as the security guard grabbed ahold of your arm and escorted you out of the lunch room.

"She started it!" You defended yourself as the security guard sat you down in the principal office.

"Be quiet." He ordered before leaving.

A few seconds later the principal came back in and he sat down at his desk with a sigh. He took a good look at your bleeding nose, bleeding knuckles, and your eye that was starting to swell and bruise.

He sighed. "y/n, y/n, y/n. What am I gonna do with you?"

"She started it." You told him.

"Yeah, well... you sent her to the hospital with many injuries." He responded.

You scoffed. "Good."

"Two weeks of suspension."

"What?! That's not fair!" You exclaimed.

"Maybe next time don't start a brawl in the lunchroom." He fired back. "Now. You're gonna go to the nurse to get your injuries fixed and I'm gonna call your mom."

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