The Skatepark | M.M.

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Idk anything about skateboarding so dont come at me if anything is wrong 😭 the only thing I know how to do is get the board moving and turn

You were at the skatepark trying to get your mind off of your ex girlfriend who cheated on you yesterday.

The skatepark was always your comfort place. Something about flying through the air and feeling the breeze in your face made you forget everything bad.

You rode your skateboard over to the half pipe. You put your board down on the edge and put a foot on it. You took a deep breath before pushing off and riding down the ramp.

Once you got into the air, you did a trick before landing safely. Once you got into the air again you noticed your ex girlfriend across the skatepark with her new girlfriend.

You were in shock and completely forgot that you were on a skateboard 20 feet in the air. Your body froze and you ended up falling off the board. You landed on the halfpipe with a grunt as your board landed right next to you.

"Ah." You groaned as you grabbed your arm in pain.

"Woah!" You heard someone yell as they ran over to you. "Are you okay?"

You rolled over and noticed who it was. It was Max from school. You've never talked to her but you've seen her around.

"Yeah I'm... I'm fine I think." You said.

Max held out her hand to help you up. You took her hand and she pulled you up.

"That was a pretty nasty fall. Are you sure you're okay." Max asked again.

You looked at your arm and noticed a big scrape that was bleeding.

"Yikes." Max cringed as she saw it. "Let me help you clean it up."

"Oh no. Really its fine." You denied.

"I wasn't asking." Max said as she took your hand.

You quickly picked up your board with your other hand just Max started pulling you in the direction of  her house.

"So, what made you fall?" Max wondered. "From where I was standing you look distracted by something."

"Oh. I just saw my ex here with her new girlfriend." You sadly said as you looked down at her hand that was still holding yours.

"Her?" Max repeated.

"I mean- I mean his..." you stuttered.

Max chuckled. "Relax. I like girls to."

"You do?" You asked shocked.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" She asked.

"I don't know... I just never would have thought Max Mayfield would like girls." You said.

"Well, I never thought y/n Harrington would wipe out on her board but here we are." Max smiled.

"You've seen me skate?" You asked.

"I've watched you skate at recess. Not in a creepy way! I just... admire the tricks you do." Max quickly said. "I also saw you escape from the security guard on your skateboard at school. And then you ended up getting caught cause you accidentally rode into a table."

You let out a little laugh. "Okay, stalker."

"Im not a stalker!" Max offensively yelled out.

"Mhm." You teased.

"Im serious!" Max angrily punched your shoulder. "I just happened to be walking out of school at the same time!"

"Relax. If you had a crush on me you could have just said so." You teased.

"I will literally leave you here to bleed out." Max gestured to your scrape that was still bleeding.


Once you arrived at Max's house, she took you to the bathroom and you sat on the sink.

"Alright. Let me see that scrape." Max said as she pulled out rubbing alcohol, gauze, a wrap, and a cotton ball.

You skeptically held out you arm. You've never used any of this stuff when you got hurt. Usually you'd just stick a bandage on it and call it a day.

Max held the gauze onto the scrape so that the bleeding would stop. It was silent until Max spoke up.

"So... why did you and your girlfriend break up?" Max asked.

"She cheated on me. I just found out yesterday so I broke it off with her. And I guess when I saw them today, I just..."

"You felt your heart break more?" Max finished.

You nodded. "I don't understand how she could be so happy without me. I gave her everything."

"She's not the right girl for you. You deserve someone who will treat you right and not play with your feelings." Max said as she took off the gauze and threw it out.

You watched with a worried look as Max poured rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. "Is this gonna sting?" You nervously asked.

"No." Max shook her head before cleaning your scrape.

As soon as the cotton ball touched your skin it stung. It felt like a million wasps getting at your skin. You whimpered as you pulled your arm away from her.

"You said it wouldn't sting!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry." Max giggled before holding out her hand. "You wanna hold my hand?"

Max didn't expect you to accept her offer so she was surprised when you laced your fingers with hers.

To be honest you liked the feeling of her hand holding yours.

Max started to clean your scrape again. You squeezed your eyes shut as you squeezed Max's hand.

"All done." Max smile as she threw out the cotton ball.

You let out a breath as your grip loosened on Max's hand, but you didn't let go.

"You can let go now." Max blushed.

"Sorry." You blushed as you let go of Max's hand.

Max put another gauze on your scrape and started to wrap your arm. "So as I was saying, you need to find someone better than her."

"Im not sure there is anyone better." You said.

Max bit the inside of her cheek out of anger. For a while you have been her hallway crush at school but now that she was actually talking to you and hanging out with you, it turned into something more than a hallway crush.

"Do you still love her?" Max asked even though she wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

You took a good look at Max's face. You glanced down at her lips before quickly looking back at her eyes. That didn't go unnoticed by Max.

As you thought about it, you realized that it had always been Max. The way she cared for you and talked to you. She actually listened when you spoke. You never got that with your ex.

"No." You answered. "But I guess I just have to find the right girl."

"Well... the right girl might be closer than you think." Max softly said before leaning in.

You leaned in to. The feeling of her lips on yours just felt right. Your lips moved in sync as if they were made for each other. Max moved her arms around your neck and you wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Neither of you wanted the kiss to end but it eventually did when you both needed air.

"Wow." You breathed out as you leaned your forehead against Max's.

Max giggled. "I've been waiting all year to do that."

You smiled before kissing her again and you felt Max smile into the kiss.

You finally found the right girl. The perfect girl.

This sucks

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