Quiet | M.M.

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For those of you who have read Electricity this is the smut continuation in the Papa episode

Once Max, Steve, and Robin calmed Liv down from being in Vecna's trance everyone went to Max's trailer to sleep over. Max got Liv situated in her bed since the two of them will be sleeping together while everyone else sleeps on the floor in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Max asked as she watched Liv silently change into her clothes.

"Can we talk about it in the morning?" Liv asked.

Max nodded. "Of course. Whenever you're ready, baby."

Liv laid down on the bed while Max went to leave the room. Liv stopped her by taking her hand.

"Wait. Please don't go." Liv begged.

"I'm just going to make sure everybody has enough pillows and blankets. I'll be right back." Max promised as she ran her fingers through Liv's hair.

Liv thought about it for a second before she nodded and let go of Max's hand. Max gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

A few minutes later Max came back into the room and laid down next to Liv. Liv rested her head on Max's chest while she put her leg over Max's waist.

"Goodnight, Livie." Max whispered before turning off the light.

"Goodnight, Maxie." Liv mumbled.

Liv sat there for a few seconds trying to go to sleep but she just couldn't.

"Max?" Liv sighed.

"Yeah?" Max said as she turned the light back on.

"Can we, uh..."

Max furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side. Liv sighed before she took Max's hand and put it on the waistband of her sweatpants. She looked up at Max with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure?" Max asked.

Liv nodded.

"You gonna be quiet?" Max slightly smirked.

Liv nodded.

Max rubbed her finger on Liv's inner thigh causing her to shudder.

"I need a verbal response, Livie." Max whispered in her ear.

"I'll be quiet, Max." Liv whispered.

"Alright. Lay down on your back and I'll make you forget everything that happened in the last few hours." Max smirked.

Liv rolled over and laid down on her back as Max crawled on top of her. Liv wrapped her arms around Max's neck as Max connected their lips. Max stuck her hand into the hem of Liv's sweatpants and underwear. She started to rub slow circles on Liv's clit causing her slightly gasp, giving Max an opportunity to slip her tongue in her mouth.

"Mmm." Liv slightly moaned into the kiss.

Max disconnected their lips so that she could watch Liv. "Does that feel good?"

"Mhm." Liv hummed before Max started to rub faster. "Oh, shit... fuck me, please."

Max smirked before she moved her fingers down to Liv's hole and pushed two fingers inside.

"Shit..." Liv whispered.

Max started to thrust her fingers in and out as Liv closed her eyes. Max slowly leaned down and started to kiss Liv's neck as she continued to thrust in and out. She left a few hickies before pulling away.

"More..." Liv begged.

Max sped up her movements as she pushed her fingers deeper inside of Liv. Once she hit that spot inside of her, Liv quickly opened her eyes and almost screamed out her name. Max acted fast and quickly placed her hand over Liv's mouth.

"As much as I wanna hear you moan my name, you can't." Max softly spoke as she sped up her paste, hitting Liv's g-spot over and over again.

Liv felt that familiar knot form in her stomach and Max felt her walls clench around her fingers. She knew that Liv was about to orgasm so she kept her hand over her mouth just in case she moaned.

"Cum." Max told her.

Liv's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came all over Max's fingers. Max knew that if her hand wasn't over Liv's mouth then she'd be a moaning mess. Max let Liv ride out her high before she uncovered her mouth and pulled her fingers out.

Max got off of Liv and laid down next to her. She propped herself up on her elbow as Liv slightly turned to face her.

Max brought her fingers up to Liv's mouth. "Open."

Liv opened her mouth and Max put her fingers in. She started to suck on Max's fingers and when Max knew they were clean, she pulled them out.

"I love you so much." Liv said.

"I love you, too." Max responded before she leaned in and connected their lips. "Now, lets get some sleep."

Max turned off the light before she laid back down the bed and Liv cuddled up next to her. Max lifted Liv's leg over her waist and put her hand up Liv's shirt and rested her hand on Liv's hip. Liv buried her head in Max's chest and Max kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Livie." Max whispered.

"Goodnight, baby." Liv whispered back.

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