Argument Prank | S.S.

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"Goodmorning!" You smiled at the camera in your hand.

"It's too early for this." Sadie said.

"It's 10:30 am." You laughed.

"Still." Sadie said as she wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder.

"Anyways, I'm y/n." You said.

"And I'm Sadie." Sadie said.

"Today is gonna be a crazy video because we're gonna argue in front of our friends and see what they do. We're gonna see who's side they take." You smiled. "Who's side do you think they're gonna take, baby?"

"I don't know. Hopefully mine." Sadie joked.

You playfully rolled your eyes. "They should be here in about..." You looked over at the clock. "20 minutes."

"You forgot to mention what we're gonna do at the end." Sadie reminded you.

"Oh, yeah." You laughed. "So basically at the end we're gonna break up with each other."

"But not for real!" Sadie mentioned.

"Yeah. So we're gonna hide the camera here on this counter and then Sadie and I are gonna start arguing in our bedroom, we're also gonna have a camera in there, and we're gonna get their reaction." You informed.

"By the way, it's Millie and Noah who are gonna come over." Sadie said.


Sadie let go of you so that you could set up the cameras. Once it was time to start the prank, you pressed record on both the cameras and you and Sadie went into the bedroom.

"Come here." Sadie said to you.

You went over to Sadie, wrapping your arms around her neck and her wrapping her arms around your waist.

"I love you and I don't mean anything I say." Sadie told you.

You smiled. "I know. I love you, too."

You leaned up and kissed her. Sadie kissed you back before she heard the front door open.

Sadie playfully pushed you away. "Get off of me. I hate you." She whispered to you.

You smiled at her. "I'll start the argument."

"What are you gonna say?" Sadie whispered.

"I don't know." You whispered

"Just be really mean." Sadie told you.

"y/n? Sadie?" You two heard Millie call out.

"Stop yelling at me! It's not that big of a deal!" You yelled at Sadie.

"It is a big deal, babe!" Sadie yelled.

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is! You can't just say shit like that in an interview and then expect it to not get twisted!" Sadie shouted.

"Oh, my god." You groaned. "Why does it matter? You and I both know what I meant! Isn't that all that matters?"

"People out there think that we broke up!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Yell at me about texting another girl." You whispered.

Sadie nodded. "And who the fuck were you texting earlier?"

"Just a friend! Why does that matter?" You told her.

"So you just happened to be smiling at your texts right after you basically announced our 'break up' to the whole world?" Sadie asked.

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