Punishment | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

Sadie has been punishing you with no sex for five days straight. You tried to make her jealous at at a party just to tease her a little but she didn't like that very much. To make your punishment worse, Sadie does things to turn you on. You've asked her why she does it and she says that it wouldn't be a punishment unless she leaves you turned on.

You were sitting in bed, reading your book, as you waited for Sadie to be done with her shower. Usually she only showers in the morning but ever since she punished you, she started taking night showers because she knew it turned you on when you saw her naked.

You looked up from your book at the sound of the shower turn off followed by the bathroom door opening. You watched as Sadie walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and hair.

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers. She set them on the bed as she went into the closet and pulled out sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. Sadie dropped her towel and you let out a soft sigh.

Your eyes skimmed up and down her body. You stared at her toned abs before moving your gaze down to her semi-erection. There was no doubt in your mind that the 'no sex' punishment was starting to get to her.

"Sadie..." You softly said as you closed your book and set it down on your bedside table.


"How long are you gonna keep punishing me for?" You asked her.

"Until you learn your lesson." Sadie told you.

"Sadie, please. I miss the way you make me feel. Just give me something. Anything." You begged. "And I know the punishment is starting to get to you too."

Sadie thought about it. "You're not gonna try and make me jealous anymore?"

"I wont. I promise." You said.

Sadie smirked before she got on the bed and crawled over to you. She hovered over to you and leaned down to whisper in your ear. "Tell me how bad you want me."

You let out a soft whimper. "Please, Sadie. I want you so bad." You ran your hands over her chest before wrapping your arms around her neck. "I want you to fuck me senseless. Make me cum so hard all over your dick..."

"Oh, god..." Sadie whispered and you felt her dick harden against your thigh.

You bit your lip as Sadie put her fingers in the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down, along with your underwear. You spread your legs for her before taking off your t-shirt.

Sadie gave you a sweet and gentle kiss on the lips. She then started to kiss down your jawline and then down to your neck and collarbone. She left a trail of kisses down the valley of your breasts and then down your stomach. Finally she got to where you needed her the most.

Sadie hovered for a few seconds, letting you feel her breath, before she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your clit. You let out a small whimper and tangled your fingers in her hair.

Sadie leaned in and you felt her tongue slide through your folds. Sadie gripped onto your thighs before she shoved her tongue inside of you causing you to gasp.

"Fuck..." You moaned.

You looked down and watched as she continued to eat you out. Everytime she thrusted into you with her tongue, her nose would brush up against your clit. You let out a moan as Sadie made eye contact with you.

Sadie's tongue swirled around inside of you, trying to find your g-spot. Once she found it, you let out a loud moan.

"Sadie!" You moaned as you felt your orgasm approaching. "Im- Oh, god! I'm gonna cum, Sadie."

Sadie hummed in response and the vibrations pushed you over the edge. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Sadie continued to pleasure you throughout your orgasm.

"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!" You screamed as you arched your back.

You tried to close your legs but Sadie just pushed them back open. She slowed down her tongue movements as you came down from your high.

Sadie cleaned you up with her tongue before kissing your thigh lightly. She removed her head from in between your legs and kissed your lips lovingly.

When Sadie pulled away, she rested her forehead against yours. You put your hand on her cheek as you slightly panted.

"How was that?" Sadie softly asked you after a few seconds of silence.

"So good..." You replied.


"Mhm. Another round?"

Sadie chuckled. "Are you that needy tonight?"

"It's been five days, Sadie. I need to feel your cock inside of me." You told her.

"Alright. Alright." Sadie smirked before she bucked her hips forward, entering you in one swift motion.

You wrapped your arms around her neck and let out little moans as she started to thrust in and out of you.

"Fuck..." Sadie rasped out as she pushed herself deeper inside of you while you adjusted to the feeling.

"Faster." You said.

Sadie obeyed your orders and started to speed up her thrusts. You threw your head back as you let out a string of moans. Sadie grunted as she looked deep in your eyes.

"You missed being fucked by me, huh?" Sadie smirked and you moaned in response. "Tell me how much you missed it."

"God, I missed it so much, Sadie." You moaned out.

Sadie thrusted all the way inside of you, hitting your g-spot. You gripped onto her shoulders as you squeezed your eyes shut.

"Oh, fuck!" You moaned.

"Look at me." Sadie demanded.

You opened your eyes, but struggle to keep them open. You open your mouth to moan but nothing comes out.

"Close are you?" Sadie asked as a smirk pulled at the corner of her lips.

"Mhm!" You moaned.

"I wanna cum first." Sadie said.

You slightly whimpered as you tried to hold back your orgasm.

"Sadie... I can't hold it..."

"I'm almost there, love."

Sadie slams into you and your legs try to close but she keeps them open. The only sound filling the room is your moans and the sound of skin slapping. Your wetness makes it easy for her to slide in and out of you. With one final thrust, she blew her load inside of you.

"Oh, yeah." Sadie groaned. "Fuck..."

"Sadie." You whined.

"You can cum." Sadie put her hand on your lower stomach and applied a little bit of pressure as she started to rub your clit in circles with her thumb.

"Sadie! Sadie! Oh, fuck!" You screamed.

"That's it. Good girl." Sadie praised as she continued to thrust into you to let you ride out your high.

Once you calmed down from your orgasm, Sadie slowed her thrusts. She pulled out of you and laid down next to you on the bed, both of you panting.

Sadie pulled the covers over you both and you put your leg over her waist as you laid your head on her chest. Sadie put her arm around your waist and drew circles on your back. It was quiet for a little bit until you spoke up.

"Does this mean my punishment is over?"

"Only if you promise not to try and make me jealous at parties." Sadie negotiated.

"I promise." You nodded.

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