Turned on | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

You, Sadie, and the rest of the Stranger Things cast got invited to a fan event at Dave and Busters. As soon as you got the invitation you accepted for you and Sadie. Sadie really didn't want to go but once she saw how excited you were, she couldn't say no.

The two of you were in your car, driving to the event. You were in the drivers seat while Sadie sat in the passengers seat. Sadie was on her phone while you had your eyes glued to the road.

A little bit into the ride you put your hand on Sadies thigh. Very close to her dick. After a few seconds, you unintentionally moved your hand closer which made her a little more horny.

Once you pulled into a parking space, you unbuckled your seatbelt and looked at Sadie. She looked a little uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" You worriedly asked.

Sadie looked at you. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" You asked.

"Mhm." She nodded.

You gave her a slight smile before kissing her passionately.

"Alright, lets go."

You were about to leave the car but Sadie stopped you.

"Actually, baby. Can you help me with something?" She hesitantly asked.

"Of course. What is it?" You asked.

Sadie slowly looked down and you followed her gaze down to the very obvious bulge in her jeans.

You smirked. "Did you get turned on by me kissing you?"

She rolled her eyes. "And because of your hand on my thigh."

You opened your mouth to say something but then Millie knocked on Sadies window. Sadie looked at Millie before rolling down her window.

"Are you guys coming?" Millie impatiently asked.

"In a sec. Sadie needs to..." you looked at Sadie. "Take care of something."

"Alright then. I'll see you inside." Millie said before walking away.

Sadie rolled her window back up as you slowly unbuttoned her jeans.

"Lets do this in the backseat." Sadie said.

"Wouldn't that draw more attention?" You asked.

"Well, good thing you parked in a secluded area." Sadie smirked before crawling over the middle console and into the backseat.

You sighed before also crawling into the backseat and sitting down next to her.

"Lets make this quick. I dont want anyone getting suspicious." You told her.

Sadie hummed in response before she placed her lips on yours. The kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session and soon you both were fighting for dominance, which Sadie easily won.

Sadie left open mouth kisses on your jaw before moving down to your neck. Sadie lightly bit on your neck and you pushed her away.

"Hey. No hickeys, please. We still have to go to the event." You reminded her.

Sadie admired the purple mark she left on your neck before smirking. "Alright fine."

You nodded before putting your fingers in the waistband of her jeans and pulling them down, along with her boxers and Sadies hard cock sprung out causing you to gasp.

You two have had sex before but her size always surprised you.

You wrapped your hand around Sadies shaft, stroking it up and down causing her to let out low groans.

This turned you on so you undid your belt and quickly slid off your jeans and underwear.

"What are you doing?" Sadie asked as she started to stroke her cock at the sight of you.

"I want you inside of me." You told her as you straddled her.

"But I don't have a condom." Sadie informed you as she watched you align her dick with your hole.

"Then cum inside me."

You quickly lowered yourself onto her without giving her a warning causing you both to moan. You put your arms around her neck as you started to move your hips back and forth.

"Oh..." you softly moaned.

Sadie put her hands on your hips to guide your movements. You knew that she needed more if she was gonna cum so you started to bounce up and down.

"Oh, fuck y/n." Sadie moaned as she threw her head back.

You ran your fingers through your hair as you sped up your movements.

"Shit. Im close." Sadie moaned.

"Cum inside me." You ordered.


"I wasn't asking." You told her.

And with that she shot a huge load into you.

"Oh fuck." She moaned.

But you didn't stop your movements as you still needed to cum. To help you out, Sadie lifted her hips up and thrusted into you as you continued to bounce.

"Shit. You're tight." She said and you just moaned in response.

Sadie sped up her thrusts, pushing deeper inside of you and hitting your g-spot.

"Oh, Sadie!" You screamed. "I'm so close!"

Sadie felt your walls clench around her dick causing her to speed up. "Cum for me, baby."

You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut as you threw your head back and came all over her dick.

"Uh! Sadie!" You moaned.

You slowed down your movements as you came down from your high. You panted as Sadie put a lock of hair behind your ear and smiled at you.

"You okay?" She asked as you continued to straddle her with her dick still inside you.

"Yeah. Are you?" You asked.

"Im better than okay." She smirked. "By the way... you have a hickey on your neck."

You gasped before picking up your phone and opening the front camera. You tilted your head and widened your eyes as you saw the mark she left on your neck.

"Sadie!" You hit her shoulder.

"Im sorry." She laughed as she caressed your hips.

"Get dressed." You told her as you got off of her and got your jeans back on while Sadie did the same.

Sadie opened the car door and got out. You got out after her but not before almost falling due to the soreness.

You grabbed onto Sadies bicep before you could completely fall over. All Sadie did was smirk at you.

"Not another word." You told her before you both walked into the Dave and Buster's.

"You up for another round later?" Sadie asked as she held the door open for you.

"I cant wait." You winked at her.

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