My Max | M.M. (Part 2)

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It's been a year and a half since Steve sent you off to rehab and today was finally the day you got to go home. Max did end up waking up after you left but Steve didn't tell you because he wanted you to focus on getting better.

You sat in the front seat of Steve's car, staring out the window, as he drove back into Hawkins. Once you drove past the 'Now Entering Hawkins' sign, you looked over at Steve.

"Can we go to the hospital? I wanna see Max." You said to him.

Steve just stared at the road. He didn't know how to tell you that Max has been awake for quite some time. He knew that you would get all mad if you knew he kept that a secret.

"I don't really think that's a good idea." Steve said. "You just got better and i'm afraid that you seeing Max would just make things worse again."

"I don't care. I wanna see her." You replied.

Steve sighed. "Too bad."


When Steve pulled into the driveway, you both got out the car and walked to the front door. You opened the door and stepped foot inside the house. As soon as you got in the house you heard a loud pop. You screamed before realizing that it was just Lucas with a confetti popper.

"Welcome home!" Everybody shouted.

"Thanks guys." You said as you brushed a piece of confetti off your shoulder. "I love being scared half to death in my own home after not being here for over a year."

"Y/n." Steve warned as he stepped inside the house and shut the front door.

You rolled your eyes before looking at all your friends. You furrowed your eyebrows as your eyes landed on Max. She looked fine. No broken bones, no nothing.

"Steve..." You said as your eyes didn't leave Max. "I don't think I'm better. I'm seeing her again."

Steve chuckled. "We all see her, y/n."

You looked at him in realization before walking over to Max. "Please, tell me it's really you..." You hopefully whispered.

Max smiled. "It's me..."

"Tell me something only you would know." You softly said.

"The night of December 8th, 1985." Max replied.

"It is you!" You exclaimed as you wrapped your arms around her.

"It's me." Max smiled as she wrapped her arms around your neck.

"I never thought I would hear your voice again." You told her.

You two hugged for a couple minutes. In this moment everything felt right. You missed the feeling of her arms wrapped around you. You pulled away from the hug with a few tears coming down your face.

"I also never thought I would see those pretty blue eyes again." You said.

Max smiled as she wiped your tears with her thumb. She stared at you for a few seconds before pulling you in for a kiss. The feeling of her lips on yours was also something else you missed. Max smiled into the kiss once she felt you relax.

You pulled away from the kiss as you realized something. "Wait, how long have you been awake."

"Uh..." Max looked over at Steve, who shook his head indicating for her not to tell you. Max sighed as she looked back at you. "Seven months."

Your smile fell. "Seven months?"

It then clicked in your brain that Steve was keeping it a secret. You turned around and looked at Steve with anger.

"Y/n..." Steve walked over to you.

"You kept this a secret from me for seven months?!" You yelled as you pushed him away.

"Hey!" Steve grabbed your arm. "Let's talk about this somewhere else.

You pushed him off of you and walked upstairs.

"God, this kid." Steve groaned as he followed you upstairs.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You angrily asked as you walked into your bedroom.

"I didn't think it would help." Steve said as he shut your bedroom door.

"You didn't think it would help?" You repeated.

"You were doing so well in rehab I didn't wanna distract you from getting better with the fact that she was awake and okay." Steve explained.

"Oh, so I should be thanking you?" You incredulously asked.

"I'm not asking you to thank me, i'm asking you to try and understand-"

"I don't! I don't understand!" You raised your voice.

"That's fine!" Steve reassured you. "Just don't blame Max, alright? She wanted me to tell you that she was awake and she was worried about you the whole time."

"I don't blame Max, I blame you! I spent everyday in rehab worrying and crying about her! So, I blame you!" You yelled.

"That's okay." Steve said.

"It's okay? What about this is okay? Nothing about this is okay!" You yelled at him. "You're a stupid, disgusting, lying, piece of shit!" You started to break down into tears as you hit him with every insult you said.

"Okay, okay, stop it. Stop it!"

"No, you liar! Liar!"

"It's okay!" Steve stopped your punches as he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you.

"Liar!" You cried into his chest as you finally gave in and hugged him back.

"It's okay." Steve whispered.

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