Rink-O-Mania | M.M.

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Your girlfriend Max was visiting you, Will, and El in California along with Mike. The five of you headed to Rink-O-Mania where you would spend the day roller skating. Right now you were all sitting in a booth drinking milkshakes. Mike and El were debating on whos milkshake was better and you, Will, and Max were just watching with smiles on your faces. You had your arm around Max's waist while she leaned on your front.

"Mines better." Mike said after he took a sip of El's milkshake.

"No it isn't." El disagreed.


You all turned your heads to see Angela skating over to your table. The smile on El's face turned to fear as you and Will just looked at each other.

"Where have you been hiding this handsome thing?" Angela asked, looking at Mike.

"Fuck off, Angela." You told her.

Angela looked at you with a glare. "The mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?"

"Bite me." You snapped.

"This is Mike... My boyfriend." El told her.

"Oh. Im Angela." Angela held out her hand for Mike to shake.

"I've heard a lot about you." Mike smiled as he shook Angela's hand. "Its really cool to finally meet some of E- Jane's friends."

"Super cool." Angela said with a fake smile and turned to El. "Why don't you come roller skating with your friends." Angela took El's hand and pulled her away.

You were about to stand up and follow them but Max put a hand on your shoulder. You looked at her before looking back at Angela and El. Angela had pulled El onto the rink and had a bunch of people circling her and a guy recording them.

"Oh no." Will shook his head.

"What?" Max asked.

You noticed someone with a milkshake walking over to the circle.

"Oh shit." You cursed.

You stood up and ran onto the rink. You heard Max calling your name but you ignored her. You ran over to the circle and jumped in front of El. The person with the milkshake threw it on you. Your wheel slipped on some of the milkshake that was on the floor making you fall on your butt.

"Wipeout!" The DJ said into his microphone.

Everyone in the rink started laughing at you. Angela skated over to you and kneeled down next to you.

"Didn't you see the sign, dummy? No food or drinks on the rink." She laughed.

She started to skate away but you stood up and pulled her back. You decked her right in the face. Everyone in the rink gasped.

"y/n!" You heard Max shout.

Angela looked at you with blood coming out of her nose. She punched you right in the jaw. You held your jaw and soon a metallic taste started to fill your mouth. You spit out some blood before tackling Angela onto the floor. You punched Angela in the face and she punched you in the gut. Max, Will, and Mike ran over to the two of you.

"y/n, stop!" Max shouted at you as you punched Angela in the face again.

"Stop, you're gonna hurt her!" One of Angela's friends yelled.

Max pulled you off of Angela as two cops ran over to you guys. One of the cops took you away from Max as the other one went to check on Angela.

"Hey! Get your scrubby little hands off of me." You shouted as they put you in handcuffs.

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