The Night We Met | S.S.

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"I just wish that you would, you know, tell her to back off!" You exclaimed.

You and Sadie were in the middle of a heated argument. One of Sadie's friends was getting a little to touchy today at school and you weren't happy about it.

Sadie has always told you that if something was bugging you in your relationship than you should tell her so that you guys could talk it out. So, that's what you did but instead of having a nice conversation about it, she blew up on you.

"Y/n, for the last time I don't like her!" She yelled at you.

"Well, if you wont tell her than I don't want you being friends with her!" You yelled back.

Sadie furrowed her eyebrows. "So now you're controlling who I hang out with?"

"She's trying to steal you away from me!" You yelled.

"No, she was being a good friend! And you're acting like a controlling jerk!" Sadie fired back.

You took a deep breath. "You're not to hang out with her anymore."

"Fuck you." Sadie said and you just stared at her. "You don't trust me and you think that I'll cheat on you the second I get the chance too."

"What? No!" You defended yourself

"No, it's okay y/n!" Sadie yelled at you. "You don't have to worry about someone trying to steal your girlfriend." A tear fell from Sadie's eyes. "Because you don't have one anymore." Sadie wiped her tear before walking to the front door. "And you can forget about going to the dance together."

You watched as Sadie opened your front door and left.


It's been a couple hours since Sadie walked out on you and you were beyond heartbroken. You were laying down on your couch as you cried into one of the pillows. You invited Millie over shortly after Sadie left, hoping that she would give you some advice.

"I think you're both in the wrong." Millie said.

You lifted your head from the pillow to look at her. "What?"

Millie rolled her eyes. "Sadie should have just talked to you instead of leaving and you shouldn't have told her what to do."

"Fuck you." You told her. "You're supposed to be on my side."

"Sadie will come around."

"Yeah, right."

"You guys are soulmates and you need each other." Millie told you.

"I miss her." You mumbled.

"I know. Maybe you should apologize to her." Millie suggested.

"Nuh-uh." You shook your head.

"Why?" Millie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because I was right and she was wrong." You complained.

"Oh, grow up, y/n." Millie rolled her eyes.

"If you're not gonna help me then just leave!" You yelled at her as you buried your face back in the pillow.

Millie sighed before getting off of your couch and leaving.


A few days later was the school dance. Sadie and you haven't spoken since that night at your house. You didn't wanna go to the dance but Millie forced you because she thought it would take your mind off of Sadie.

You were sitting on the bleachers in the gym as you watched everybody on the dance floor. You looked around the gym, trying to find Millie, but instead you noticed Sadie sitting on the bleachers on the other side of the gym. She had a cup of punch in her hand but she wasn't drinking it. She was just staring at it with a frown on her face.

"Go talk to her." Millie said as she sat down next to you.

"She doesn't wanna talk to me." You frowned.

"Yes, she does." Millie nodded.

"How do you know?" You asked her.

"Because she's looking at you right now." Millie said.

"Does she look angry?" You asked.

"No. She looks upset." Millie answered.

You glanced over at Sadie and made eye contact with her. You quickly looked back at Millie. "I don't know..."

(I recommend playing the song at the top while you read this next part)

Right after you said that, the song changed. It only took you a few seconds to realize that it was 'The Night We Met'. This was you and Sadie's song.

Millie smiled. "Y/n, if that's not a sign to go talk to her than I don't know what is."

You looked back at Sadie. You debated with yourself for a few seconds before standing up from the bleachers and you started to walk over to Sadie. Sadie also stood up and walked over to you. You both met in the middle of the gym. You both stared at each other for a few seconds.

"You look beautiful." You complimented.

Sadie looked down at her outfit before looking at you. "Thanks."

"Mhm." You nodded before looking at all the couples who were dancing around you. "Do you wanna dance?"

Sadie nodded and wrapped her arms around your neck. You wrapped your arms around her waist. You both swayed to the music as you gazed into each others eyes.

"I'm sorry." You blurted out. "I shouldn't have been such a control freak."

"It's okay." Sadie slightly smiled. "I should have just talked to you instead of blowing up on you."

"I forgive you." You smiled. "If you don't wanna get back together than that's fine but can we at least be friends?"

Sadie smiled before she leaned up and kissed you. It took you a second to realize what she was doing but once you came to your senses, you kissed her back. The kiss lingered for a couple seconds before Sadie pulled away. You smiled at her before you pulled her closer and she rested her head against your shoulder. Sadie closed her eyes as she relaxed in your arms.

"I love you, Sadie." You softly said.

"I love you, too, y/n."

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