Break | S.S.

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You and Sadie were on vacation together. You two had just gotten back to your hotel. Sadie went right to the bed while you made a detour to your backpack.

You reached inside and pulled out your mac book. You sat down at the desk and opened it up.

"What are you doing?" Sadie asked as she sat up in the bed.

"I need to do some school work." You told her.

You and Sadie both had successful acting careers. She didn't feel the need to go to college but you did. You felt you were too young to just go out on your own in the world. You were only 2 and a half years younger than Sadie.

"But, y/n/n, we're on vacation." She reminded you. "We booked this whole trip so that you could take a break. You've been working really hard lately."

"I know. I know." You nodded as you opened up google docs.

Sadie stood up from the bed and went over to you. She shut the computer and you quickly moved your fingers out the way.

"Hey!" You exclaimed as you looked at her.

"You need a break. You're gonna overwork yourself." Sadie said.

You let out a sigh as you leaned back in your chair.

"Come to bed." Sadie took your hand and pulled you up. "Give yourself a little break, please."


"You can start by giving your girlfriend a kiss." Sadie smiled as she put her hands on your shoulders.

You smiled and leaned in to give her a kiss. You and Sadie pulled away for a second before connecting your lips together again.

She put her hand on the back of your neck as your hands made their way down to her waist. You guided her over to the bed, pushing her down on it and hovering over her.

You moved your hands down to her jean shorts and started to unbutton them. Sadie looked down and watched your hands. She was getting wetter and wetter just by thinking of your fingers inside of her.

You pulled down her shorts along with her underwear. You ran your finger through her folds before circling her clit.

"You're so pretty, Sades." You smirked.

Sadie let out a whimper as she looked into your eyes. You stuck the tips of your fingers in her hole before pulling them out.

"Please, y/n." Sadie softly said.

"Please what?"

"Please, fuck me and make me cum all over your fingers." Sadie begged.

You smirked as you pushed your middle finger inside of her. You thrusted in and out of her as she moaned.

"Shh." You told her. "I wanna hear your pretty moans but you can't be too loud."


You pushed your ring finger inside of her and she slightly arched her back. You moved some of her hair out of her face before kissing her.

You thrusted faster inside of her and she put her hands up your shirt, scratching your back from the pleasure. She pulled away from the kiss and her breathing picked up as you continued to finger her.

You pushed deeper inside of her causing her to moan loudly.

"Sadie, I said not to be too loud." You reminded her.

"Im sorry." Sadie moaned. "You make- oh, god! You m-make me f-feel so good, y/n..."

"Yeah?" You smirked.

"Yeah." Sadie nodded.

You lifted her leg up, putting it over your shoulder, allowing yourself to thrust deeper inside of her and hit her g-spot. Sadie gripped onto the bedsheets as she continuously moaned.

"Are you gonna cum for me, baby?" You asked.

"Can I?" Sadie moaned.

"Let it out." You put your hand on her lower stomach, applying a bit of pressure.

"Oh, fuck!" Sadie screamed.

You felt her cum around your fingers. "Good girl."

You continued to listen to her moans as you pleasured her through her orgasm. Once she calmed down, you pulled your fingers out of her. She panted as you brought your fingers up to her mouth.

"Clean up your mess."

Sadie took your fingers in her mouth, swirling her tongue all around them until they were clean. You pulled them out of her mouth before laying down next to her.

You pulled the covers over you both and she cuddled closer to you.

"You need anything?" You asked her.

Sadie shook her head. "Im okay."

"Wanna get some sleep?"


"Alright. I love you." You told her.

"I love you, too." Sadie mumbled before yawning.

She kissed you on the lips before burying her face in your chest and falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. You fell asleep soon after her.


The next morning, you put on your bra as Sadie came out the bathroom.

"Baby, what happened to your back?" Sadie asked as she walked over to you and rubbed your back.

You slightly turned and looked in the mirror, looking at the scratch marks on your back. You slightly smiled and looked at her.

"You happened." You chuckled.

Sadie furrowed her eyebrows before realizing and blushing. "Oh, god."

You laughed as you wrapped your arms around her waist and then kissed her.

"I'm sorry." Sadie smiled.

"It's okay."

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