Interrupted | S.S.

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You and Sadie were throwing a party at your house because Sadie got the lead role in a movie. You were standing in the kitchen talking to an old friend while Sadie was in the living room talking to people.

When Sadie was done with her conversation, she noticed you talking to your friend. Her eyes trailed up and down your body as she admired your outfit.

Your outfit:

Sadie slightly smirked before she walked over to you

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Sadie slightly smirked before she walked over to you. She put her arm around your waist as she stood by your side.

"Speaking of Sadie." You smiled as you looked up at Sadie. "Sadie, this is my old friend from high school, Skylar."

"Hi! I've heard so much about you." Skylar smiled as she stuck out her hand.

Sadie slightly laughed as she shook Skylars hand. "All good things I hope."

"Oh, of course." Skylar smiled

You playfully rolled your eyes as you hit Sadie's chest.

"Anyways, um... Can I talk to you in private, y/n/n?" Sadie asked you.

"Sure." You nodded before looking at Skylar. "I'll be right back."

Sadie smiled at Skylar before she gently took your hand and lead you upstairs into your bedroom. You sat down at the edge of the bed as Sadie shut the door and sat down next to you.

"What did you need, hon?" You asked.

"You." She responded before she kissed you passionately.

You put your hand on her jaw before you pulled away. "What's gotten you like this?"

"This shirt..." Sadie said.

You let out a flirty laugh before she kissed you again. You melted into her touch as her hand made its way down to your hip. Sadie hummed into the kiss, a sign that she was enjoying it. And you were enjoying it to until you realized that a lot of people were downstairs probably wondering where you and Sadie were.



"Everybody... is probably... looking... for us." You said in between kisses.

"Forget about them." Sadie whispered against your lips. "They've been here for hours and I've missed you. Fuck, you look so sexy in this shirt."

You put your arms around her neck and placed your lips back on hers. You smiled into the kiss as Sadie started to unbutton your jeans. She pushed you back to have you lay down on the bed and she leaned over you.

Sadie deepened the kiss and the thoughts about everybody downstairs faded from your mind. The only thing you could think about was her. Your heart was pounding as she moved her hand back down to your jeans and she started to pull down the zipper on them.

It was as if no one else existed anymore. The music and the chatter from downstairs faded away. You were to invested in the kiss that you and Sadie didn't hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

You were pulled back into reality as you heard the door open and a gasp leave from somebody's lips.

"Oh, my God." Skylar spoke causing Sadie to pull away from your lips and you to quickly sit up. "I'm so sorry. Um... people were just starting to ask where you two were..." Skylar stood in the doorway for a few seconds before she left the room.

You bit your lip and looked at Sadie as the two of you sat in silence. You got up after a few seconds, pulling up the zipper on your jeans and buttoning them.

You cleared your throat and slightly smiled. "I guess we should head back downstairs."

Sadie groaned and stood up from the bed causing you to let out a slight giggle. You gave Sadie one last kiss on the lips before you took her hand and brought her back downstairs.

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