My Max | M.M. (Part 1)

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TW: emotional

You walked down the stairs of your house because you were about to leave to go visit Max in the hospital. She's been in a coma for almost six months and everyone seemed to be doing okay except for you. I mean, Max was your girlfriend, your soulmate, so everyone expected you to be effected by it the most. What they didn't expect was for you to start rebelling and doing drugs.

"Steve, I'm going..." You paused when you looked into the living room to see Mike, Will, Erica, Dustin, El, Robin, Nancy, and Steve and they all looked at you in concern. "Whats... what's going on?"

Steve looked over at Robin and she gave him a reassuring nod. Steve sighed before standing up and walking over to you.

"Y/n, we're all worried about you." Steve said causing you to furrow your eyebrows. "You haven't been the same since..." Steve trailed off, trying to find the right words. "Since Max's accident."

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I mean, you're coming home late every night, it's very obvious you're out getting high, and you're one suspencion away from getting expelled." Steve told you, trying to keep calm. "We know these last six months have been hard on you but the things you're doing, the way you're acting... it's not you. I don't think Max would want you doing all this stuff."

You clenched your jaw out of anger. Who was he to tell you how to act? Who was he to tell you that your girlfriend, who's in a coma, wouldn't want you like this?

"Who gives a fuck what Max wants!" You suddenly yelled causing Steve to step back. "She's not here! And I don't know when she's coming back, I don't know if she's coming back!"

"Okay..." Robin calmly said as she came over to you. "Say she wakes up soon, which she will, she's gonna see that you're not the same y/n that you were six months ago and she'll be upset."

"I'm not the same?!" You shouted at her in disbelief. "She's the one that's not gonna be the same! She's gonna be messed up! What happened to her will haunt her for the rest of her life!" At this point, tears were streaming down your face. "She didn't deserve this! She was just a kid! She had plans, she had a future! And now that's all ruined and its all-"

"Okay, I'm here. What's the emergency?" Lucas said as he walked into the house.

Once you saw Lucas it all clicked in your brain. He was the one that told Max everything. He was the one that made her accept the risk. If he never told her then Max would still be okay and she never would have been cursed.

"Your fault!" You blurted out.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Y/n." Nancy warned but you ignored her.

You went over to Lucas and shoved him back against the front door. "It's your fault Max ended up like this! It's your fault she's in a coma! It's your fault her life is gonna be fucked up!"

"Okay, why don't we talk about this." Lucas tried to calm you down.

"No!" You shouted at him. "If you never told her what happened then she would be okay! I would still have my girlfriend!"

"Y/n, we get your angry but you shouldn't be blaming Lucas." Mike jumped in as he walked over to you two.

"Get the fuck away from me, Mike!" You snapped as you quickly turned to face him.

Mike looked at you with genuine fear in his eyes. In fact everybody had fear in their eyes. You've never gotten angry like this. Nancy came over and pulled Mike away from you. You turned back to Lucas.

"Y/n, it's okay." Lucas said.

"No! Nothing is okay! Nothing about this is okay, you piece of shit!" You shoved Lucas back once more.

Will quickly came over to you and stuck something into your neck. It was a leftover anesthesia shot from when Will was flayed. He brought it because he knew that you would freak out. Max was a sensitive topic for you.

You slowly stumbled away from Lucas as the anesthesia started to kick in. You pulled the shot out of your neck and faced Will.

"What... what is this?" You slurred as your eyes became heavy. "You little shit, what the fuck did you do to me?"

You suddenly lost your balance and fell to the floor. Steve came over to you and stood over you. He was the last thing you saw before your eyes closed and you were asleep.

"Lucas, are you okay?" Dustin asked.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucas asked with concern evident in his voice.

"She's hurting and looking for someone to blame." Robin told him as she looked at you. "But, she should be blaming Vecna, not you."

"She's more than just hurting." Nancy said. "She needs actual help. She's not in the right state of mind to be here."

"Can you blame her?" Erica asked. "Her girlfriend was almost brutally murdered in front of her and she couldn't do anything but watch."

"So, what do we do with her?" El asked.


Your eyes fluttered open and you were blinded by the light above you. You squinted your eyes until your vision cleared up and your eyes adjusted to the light. You didn't know how long you were asleep but it had to have been a few hours.

You tried to lift your arms up but you couldn't. You slightly lifted her head up and then that's when you realized you were strapped to a gurney. You turned your head and noticed a man and woman talking to Steve, Robin, and Nancy.

"Hey!" You called out. "What the fuck is this? Let me go!"

The man and the woman came over to you and started to wheel the gurney out of the house. Steve, Robin, and Nancy stood on the porch and watched. Now you were actually started to freak out. You pulled on all your restraints but it was no use.

"No! You can't do this to me! Let me go! Let me fucking go!" You yelled out.

It took everything in Steve to not run over to you and set you free. He knew that they were gonna take you somewhere where you would be safe and you get the treatment you need.

"Ma'am, please, calm down." The man said.

"No! Don't tell me to calm down, let me go!" You looked at Steve. "Steve, please! You can't let them take me! Steve!"

"Y/n, it's okay!" Steve called out.

"I need to see Max! I need to see my Max!" You yelled out as the man and women put you into an ambulance.

The women got in the back with you and the man closed the back door before going into the driver's seat. Steve broke down in Robin's arms as the three of them watched the ambulance drive off.

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