She's Gone | T.D.

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You were leaning on the counter in your kitchen while you poured some coffee into a travel mug and watched the news story about the attack on the twin towers. Your parents had already gone to work so you were home alone.

You were enjoying the peace and quiet until someone started to repeatedly knock on your front door. You furrowed your eyebrows because you weren't expecting anybody to be over so early in the morning.

"I'm coming!" You yelled out as you walked over to the front door.

You pulled back the curtains that were covering the window in the living room. When you looked out the window, you noticed Tess standing on your front porch. You went over to the door and opened it.

"Tess, what are you-" You paused as you noticed that she had tears streaming down her face and her eyes were all red and puffy. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Y/n, she's gone! She's gone and it's all my fault!" Tess cried.

You took Tess' hand and pulled her inside your house. You shut the door and turned to face her. "Who's gone?"

"Zoe! She ran into the street and got hit by a car! She died in the hospital this morning." Tess told you.

"Oh, Tess." You cooed as you wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug. "It's gonna be okay."

Tess continued to cry as she wrapped her arms around your neck and buried her face into your shoulder. You carefully lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around your waist. You took her upstairs into your bedroom and sat her down on the edge of your bed.

"I'm sure it's not your fault, honey." You assured her as you knelt down in front of her and wiped some of her tears.

"It is because I left her outside alone! I should have brought her inside with me!" Tess said.

You looked at her in sorrow as she continued to cry. You didn't exactly know how to help her. Tess rarely let you see this side of her, claiming she didn't want you to think she was "weak".

"How can I help?" You asked.

Tess shrugged. You sighed before standing up sitting against the headboard of your bed. Tess watched you as she wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Come here." You said as you opened your arms.

Tess crawled into your arms. She rested her head on your chest and wrapped her arms around your torso. You put your hand up her shirt and rubbed her back.

The two of you sat there in silence. It seemed like Tess didn't want to talk right now, and you didn't blame her, so you sat there quietly and let her cry into your chest.

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