Do you like Max? | M.M.

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You and Nancy were stapling news papers and trash bags to the wall of the shed so that Will couldn't spy for the Mind Flayer.

"Hey, uh... I'm really sorry I wasn't here." Nancy said to you.

"That's okay." You said as you put in another staple. "Turns out Steve's a pretty good babysitter and not a total douche."

"I shouldn't have just left without telling you where I was going. We used to tell each other everything and now its like we barely talk." Nancy said.

"Yeah, well... nothing lasts forever." You told her as you put in another staple.

Nancy put down her stapler and looked at you. "How about this. No more secrets okay? From now on we tell each other everything."

You looked at her and put down your stapler. "Okay. Do you like Jonathan now?"

"What?" Nancy shook her head. "No. No, its not... it's not like that."

You nodded. "Good. Im team Steve."

"You and everybody else." Nancy said.

It was silent for a couple seconds before Nancy spoke up.

"Do you like Max?" Nancy asked.

"What?" You raised your voice. "Why does everyone keep thinking that? No, I don't like her... Or her sparkling blue eyes or her fiery red hair..." You trailed off and looked up at Nancy to see her smirking.

"So you do like Max?" Nancy asked with a smug smirk.

"Well... yeah. But Lucas has a thing for her and Im pretty sure she has a thing for him, so..."

Nancy scoffed. "y/n, I've seen the way she looks at you. There's no way Max likes Lucas. You just have to talk to her." Nancy looked over and saw Max walking over to the two of you. "Speak of the devil."

Nancy patted your shoulder before leaving. Max walked over to you with a huff.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Lucas. He won't stop flirting with me." She told you.

You furrowed your eyebrows "And that's a problem because..."

"Because no matter how many times I tell him I like someone else he just doesn't give up."

"You like someone?" You asked with a hint of jealousy. "Who?"

Max looked taken aback at her own words. "No one."

"It's gotta be Dustin." You concluded.

"Dustin? Ew!" She cringed.

"Well its definitely not Mike because you two hate each othrr and its not Will because you two-"

"Its you." She cut you off.


"I like you, y/n. I have since I walked in that classroom and laid eyes on you."

"You. Max Mayfield." You pointed at her. "Like me." You pointed at yourself. "y/n Wheeler."

Max nodded. "That's what I said."

"Really?" You beamed. "Max I've liked you ever since I met you! Oh my god I can't believe you actually like me. You know I was beginning-"

"y/n." She cut you off.


"Shut up and kiss me." She grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you in for a kiss.

Max pulled away after a couple seconds and looked at you.

"This is the best day ever." You breathed out.

She laughed. "Shut up."

"And kiss you?" You smiled.


Then you both kissed again for the second time that night.

I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and now im reading it again and im contemplating my life decisions but im uploading it because I have nothing else to upload :)

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