Pick Up Lines | S.S.

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Today you Millie, Sadie, and Maya were going to be giving each other pick up lines for an interview.

The fun part was that your mouths would be filled with water and if you spit the water out, you lose.

You and Sadie were going to be reading pick up lines to each other while Millie and Maya were reading them to each other.

You guys did the intro and then you got ready to read pick up lines to Sadie.

"Drink up, Sadie." You gave her a devilish smirk as she drank up the water. "Oh, this is gonna be fun. Ready?"

She nodded.

"Are you radiator springs? Because you got my heart racing." You read from your phone.

She laughed but didn't spit out the water. Millie and Maya started laughing as you laughed at Sadie.

"That wasn't a good joke at all." Maya laughed.

"Seriously? Okay I got a better one." You looked at your phone and then looked back at Sadie. "Do you have a mirror in your pocket?"

You didn't even get to finish the joke because Sadie spat the water out on the floor and started laughing. You backed away and started laughing.

"I didn't even get to the joke yet." You laughed.

Sadie laughed and handed you the water. "Shut up."

Sadie waited for you to put the water in your mouth before telling her joke.

"Is this the hogwarts express? Because it looks like you and I are headed somewhere magical." She smiled.

You shook your head, signaling that that joke was terrible.

"Fine I got another one." Sadie looked at her phone and smirked. "You're so sexy, my zipper is falling for you."

You spat the water out on the floor out of pure shock which made Sadie, Millie, and Maya burst out laughing.

"Oh, my God!" Millie laughed.

"Okay. You wanna play dirty? I'll play dirty." You took your phone and looked at all your options as Sadie put some water in her mouth. "Ooh. I hope you remembered my name since you'll be screaming it later."

Sadie widened her eyes. Millies jaw dropped as Maya laughed.

"I thought these were supposed to be PG?" Millie asked.

"Well, she didn't laugh so I'm telling another one. My nickname is dishes, because I want you to get me wet then do me."

Sadie spat out her water and started laughing.

"You're done!" She laughed as she took your phone out of your hands.

"Are you a firefighter? Because you make me hot and leave me wet." You laughed.

Sadie put her hand over your mouth. "Millie, Maya, it's your turn."

Sadie removed her hand from your mouth as Millie and Maya laughed.

"This is the best interview I've ever done." You smirked.

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