Why Don't You Marry Her? | M.M.

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Dustin had dragged you and the rest of the party up a hill to help him set up his Cerebro. You, Lucas, Mike, Will, and Dustin had made it up the hill while Max and El were still walking.

"They're so far away." Lucas said, looking down at the two.

"They'll be up here soon." You said.

Mike looked down at the two girls who were laughing. "What do you think they're talking about."

Dustin looked down at the two. "I don't know."

"Ever since Max and El became friends, El has been more distant to me." Mike said.

"Maybe El just wants to get to know Max." You reasoned.

"Or maybe Max is conspiring against me. I knew we should have never let her in our party." Mike thought.

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to just be nice to Max for once." You snapped.

Mike knitted his eyebrows. "If you love her so much then why don't you marry her?"

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"Seriously, y/n?" Lucas joined in..


Dustin and Will were watching, amused, as all of this went down.

"You look at her all like... 'hi Max. Max. Max. I love you so much'." Lucas teased, putting his hands on your shoulders. "'Would you marry me'?"

You pushed Lucas away from you. "Shut up Lucas! I don't love her! She's my friend and that's it! I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss her."

You heard a gasp making all of you turn your heads. The five of you saw Max and El standing there. Max's was teary eyed while El just stared at you in shock. Max looked at you before running away.

"Nice going y/n." El said before running after Max.

"Jeez, y/n. That was kind of rude." Will said.

"Yeah, I think you hurt her feelings." Dustin agreed.

You scoffed. "Oh, please. Max is the toughest girl I know. There's no way that hurt her feelings."

After you all set up the cerebro you decided on going home because it was late and you were tired. When you walked in your house you saw your sister crying on the couch.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

She glared at you. "This is all your fault."


"You made Max cry!" She shouted at you.

"I didn't mean too. How do you even know about that?" You asked.

"Billy told me!" She yelled before she started to cry more. "Right before he dumped me! He said he can't date someone who's related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! You have to make things right with Max!"

You picked up your house phone. "Alright, I'll call her right now, calm down!"

"No!" Your sister took the phone from your hands. "You can't apologize over phone you have to do it in person!"

You groaned. "Do I have too?"

Your sister looked at you with anger. "Unless you want a broken nose I suggest you go."

"Alright!" You immediately ran out of your house.

You picked up your skateboard and rode it to Max's house. You knocked on the door praying that Billy wouldn't open the door. Thankfully your prayers have been answered and Max opened the door. Once she saw you she tried to close the door but you stopped it with your foot.

"Can we talk?" You looked behind her to see Billy on the couch, glaring at you. "Alone."

She opened her door more, allowing you to come inside. She led you into her room, closing the door and sitting down on her bed. You just stared at her.

"Go on." She urged.

You sighed. "Max I'm so sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know why I said what I said. The truth is... I do like you. I love you. I've been in love with you ever since we met."

You stared at her, waiting for a response.



"Max, say something."

She didn't say anything. Instead she kissed you. She pulled away and looked into your eyes.

"Still rather kiss the bathroom floor?" She joked.

You smiled before kissing her again.

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