The First I Love You | M.M.

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Today was the Fourth of July and you and Max were spending it at the fair.

"Y/n, lets go to the games!" Max smiled as she took your hand and dragged you over the games.

You laughed at her excitement. "What do you wanna play?"

Max looked around before gasping and dragging you over to the balloon dart game. Max handed the guy some money and the guy gave her 4 darts. You watched her with a smile on your face.

"You're not gonna play?" Max asked.

"I'll play after you." You told her.

"Okay." Max said.

Max threw three darts and they all missed. She was about to throw her last dart but you stopped her.

"Hold on."

She looked at you. You stood behind her and fixed her arm position.

"Okay. Now go." You said.

Max threw the dart and the balloon popped. She smiled and looked at you. You smiled back at her.

"Your turn now." She smiled.

"Okay. But I should warn you im not that good." You told her as you handed the guy your money.

"You'll probably do better than me." Max said.

You threw all your darts and they all popped a balloon.

"Not good, huh?" Max teased.

You laughed as the guy handed you a stuffed animal. As you and Max held hands and walked over to the ice cream stand, you handed Max your stuffed animal.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she took it.

"I want you to have it." You told her.

Max smiled at you before cupping your cheek and kissing you. "You're so sweet.

You shrugged. "I try."

You and Max waited in line at the ice cream stand. You ordered your ice cream and Max took out her wallet to pay.

"I got it." You said as you took out your own money and paid.

Max smiled. The guy handed you both your ice creams and you walked away. You sat down at a picnic table and talked and laughed while you ate.

After you both were done, you both stood up and you took Max's hand in your own.

"Let's go on the ferris wheel." You said as you dragged her over there.

"What? Y/n, you know I dont like heights." Max panicked.

"You'll be fine. I'll be there the whole time with you." You promised.

After waiting in a long line, you both got in the cart and as soon as it started moving, Max grabbed onto your arm and scooted closer to you.

"You're okay." You whispered.

The ferris wheel came to a stop and of course your cart got stuck at the top. Max gasped as she closed her eyes.

"Why did we stop?" Max panicked as her grip on your arm tightened.

"I paid the guy $5 to stop us at the top so that we could watch the fireworks." You smiled.

You looked at Max, wanting to see the look on her face. Instead of her usual smile she had her eyes squeezed shut as she was holding your arm for dear life.

"Come on, Max. Open your eyes." You said.

"No." She shook her head. "Im afraid im gonna fall."

"I wont let you fall. I love you to much to let that happen." You told her.

Max's eyes shot open at those three words. She looked at you and watched as you continued to ramble.

"Open your eyes and look at the view." You continued.

"What did you just say?" Max asked.

You looked at her. "Open your eyes and look at the view."

"No, no. Before that." She said.

"I wont let you fall." You said before looking back at the view.

"No. Look at me. Im serious." She smiled as you looked at her again.

You looked at her with nothing but love in your eyes. "I said I love you."

Max's smile got bigger.

"I love you, Max." You said again.

"I love you, too." She said.

You smiled before leaning in and kissing her. As if on cue, the fireworks started soon as your lips touched.

Max put her hand on the back of your neck as your lips moved in sync.

You were kissing the girl that you loved, under the fireworks. The moment couldn't be more perfect.

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