Dream | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

You were laying in bed watching tiktoks on your phone and cuddling Sadie.

Her front was pressed against your back with her arms around your waist. She had her face buried in your neck as she let out light snores.

After a few seconds, you felt something harden against your ass. Your furrowed your eyebrows as you wiggled your way out of Sadies grip.

You looked under the covers and noticed the huge bulge showing through her sweatpants. You widened your eyes and put your hand over your mouth.

Sadie must have either felt you move from her arms or she felt the uncomfortable situation in her pants because she stirred awake not long after.

She opened her eyes and moved around uncomfortably before she noticed you staring at her.

"What?" Sadie asked.

"You okay?" You tried not to smile.

"Yeah." Sadie said before quickly getting up.

You looked down at her bulge as she walked into the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom.

As you waited for her you couldn't help but think what got her so turned on. I mean all she was doing was sleeping.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a low groan coming from the bathroom. You snapped your head towards the door before you raised your eyebrows in realization.

You quietly got out of bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom door. You put your ear against the door and heard her softly moan your name.

You softly knocked before you put your hand on the door handle and opened the door. You saw Sadie leaning on the sink and looking at you.

"What are you doing?" You asked but you knew exactly what she had been doing.

Sadie stared at you. "Peeing..."

"Im not an idiot, Sadie. Next time you want to lie to me about having a boner, make sure you're not wearing sweatpants." You crossed your arms and leaned on the door frame.

Sadie looked down and noticed the bulge showing. "Aw, shit."

You chuckled before walking over to her and taking her hand. You walked out of the bathroom and sat her down on her side of the bed.

"What turned you on?" You asked as you sat next to her.

"I... had a dream." Sadie hesitated. "About you."

You furrowed your eyebrows before you gasped. "You had a sex dream about me!"

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, big deal."

"But why are you jerking off when i could do it for you." You smirked before leaning in and hungrily kissing her.

Sadie put her hand on your hip as you slid your hand up her leg, palming her through her sweatpants. She pulled away from the kiss with a small gasp.

Sadie carefully pushed your hand away before she pulled down her sweatpants enough for her hard dick to spring out.

You wrapped your hand around her shaft and slowly started to stroke her cock up and down. Sadie looked down and stared at your hand.

The more you jerked her off, the more turned on you got. You bit your lower lip as you glanced at her dick. You made eye contact with her as you leaned down to take her length in your mouth.

Sadie cursed under her breath as you bobbed your head up and down, slowly sucking. Sadie softly placed her hand on your head.

As you continued to bob your head, one of your hands went to stroke your now wet center. The sight made Sadie get harder as she thought about pleasuring you with her fingers or tongue.

Your tongue slid back and forth over the vein running up and down her dick while your hand stroked whatever wasn't inside of your mouth. Meanwhile your fingers were still going a mile a minute inside of your cunt.

You stopped and pulled her out of your mouth to catch a breath. Sadie saw her dick covered in your saliva and her own precum. Sadie looked at you, confused.

Your eyes met hers and she could see the lust filling your eyes. "I need you inside of me."

You took off your shorts and underwear and Sadie watched you in adoration. You crashed your lips against hers, your hand moving to caress her jawline. The kiss was hot and sexual. Sadie stroked her dick, feeling how your lips moved against hers.

You moved your hands to her shoulders as you moved to straddle her, hovering over her dick. Sadies hands rested on your hips as you pulled away from the kiss and started to lower yourself down.

You tensed a little as her tip made contact with your clit but you still lowered yourself all the way down. You let out a moan as Sadie groaned.

"Fuck, baby." Sadie whispered as she guided you to start moving your hips back and forth.

You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of her dick stretching your walls. "Ugh. Shit, Sadie."

Sadie lifted her hips up, thrusting into you. You moaned as she hit your g-spot. Even though she still had her shirt on, you left scratch marks on her back.

Sadie put her hands up your shirt, lifting it up slightly so she could message your breasts. Your moans got louder and Sadie leaned her head back on the headboard of the bed as she enjoyed every sound that came out of your mouth.

You were both nearing an orgasm but Sadie wanted to get there first, she thrusted faster and harder.

"Yes, baby! That's it!" You moaned, encouraging her.

Your clenched around her and that was enough to push her limit. She lost her rhythm in her thrusts and you moaned at the feeling of her cum filling you up.

You came right after her, your mouth opening but no sound came out as your legs slightly shook.

"Oh, shit." You said as fatigue hit you and you collapsed into her chest.

Sadie panted as she put her hand on her back. She slightly turned her head to look at you. You made eye contact with her and a small smile formed on your lips.

"Fuck, y/n." Sadie softly said.

You chuckled. "I am not gonna feel my legs in the morning."

"Well, that just means I did a good job." Sadie smirked.

You let out a hum as you got off her and put your shorts back on before you laid down. She laid down and pulled the covers over you both. You turned off the light before lifting your leg over her waist and burying your head in her chest.

"Goodnight, sweet girl." Sadie kissed the top of your head as she wrapped her arms around your waist.

"Goodnight, baby." You mumbled into her chest.

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