Trouble Makers | Z.B. (Part 1)

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You and Ziggy laughed as you both walked into her cabin. The two of you had just pulled a prank on Nick Goode.

"Did you see his face?" You laughed.

"He looked like a tomato." Ziggy laughed as she sat down on her bed.

"Yeah." You smiled as you sat down next to her.

After you both calmed down from your laugh attacks, Ziggy looked at you with a thoughtful expression.

"What?" You asked.

Ziggy smiled. "Nothing. You're just... you're not who I thought you'd be."

"Who'd you think I'd be?" You asked.

"Well, I never thought that the Queen of Shadyside would be pulling pranks on the King of Sunnyvale." She told you causing you to let out a little laugh. "To be honest I didn't really like you until you saved me from almost being burnt by Sheila and her minions."

You laughed. "Yeah. You think im the Queen of Shadyside?"

"Well, yeah. Everyone worships the ground you walk on." Ziggy told you.

"Its not that great." You said before looking down at the ground.

"Why not?" Ziggy asked.

You sighed before looking at her. "Everyone expects me to be this perfect girl who takes on responsibility's, gets into a great college, and gets a great job, but... thats not who I wanna be."

"Who do you wanna be?" Ziggy asked.

"I wanna be the girl who... gets into trouble and pulls pranks at camp with none other than Ziggy Berman." You said causing her to smile. "I love hanging out with you Ziggs."

"I love hanging out with you, too, y/n/n." She said.

You two stared at each other for a few seconds, smiling. That is until Ziggys cabin door opened and Cindy walked in causing you and Ziggy to slightly jump and look at her.

"Dont you knock?" Ziggy asked.

"Jeez." You commented.

"Did you two glue Nick to his chair?" Cindy crossed her arms.

You and Ziggy looked at each other before looking back at Cindy. "No."

Cindy rolled her eyes. "Well, who else would have done it? You two are the only trouble makers here. Ziggy, you're on your last strike. Im sorry but we have to kick-"

"It was me." You cut her off causing Ziggy and Cindy to look at you. "Ziggy, didn't have anything to do with it."

Cindy furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Ziggy. "Is that true?"

You looked at Ziggy to see that she was already looking at you. You nodded, telling her to go along with it.

"Uh, yeah." Ziggy said, looking back at Cindy. "I was in here all day."

Cindy sighed. "Alright. Lets go, y/n."

"Go where?" You asked.

"I know you're a good kid so im not gonna rat you out. Instead you're just gonna have to stay in your cabin all day today and tomorrow." Cindy told you.

Cindy grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you out of Ziggys cabin. Before you left you looked at Ziggy. She mouthed a thank you and you nodded with a smile.


You've been sitting in your cabin, laying down in your bed tossing a ball in the air and then catching it while all the other campers were out having fun.

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