Movie Night | M.M.

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Max g!p

Tonight was your weekly Friday movie night with the party. You all would go to Mike's house and watch a movie in his basement. Tonight you guys were watching Fast Times.

You and Max sat down on the couch that was facing the tv, Mike, El, and Will sat down on the couch that was off to the side, and Dustin and Lucas sat in a couple of bean bag chairs on the floor.

Once the movie started, you turned off the lights and sat down right next to Max. Max didn't let anybody else sit on the couch with you two because she wanted it for just you both. When you sat down next to her, you laid your head on her shoulder and held her hand.

About 53 minutes in, when Phoebe Cates took off her bikini, Max felt an erection grow. She looked down and realized that you could see the bulge through her sweatpants. She then let go of your hand and covered her bulge with both hands.

Max slightly cleared her throat and sat up as she looked at you. You removed your head from her shoulder and looked at her. Max glanced at you before looking back at the tv. You looked down to where her hands were covering her crotch before you looked back at her.

"What's wrong?" You whispered.

Max looked at you again and then looked back at tv. She was embarrassed at the fact that she got hard over someone who wasn't you.

"Max." You whispered again.

She ignored you again.

You clenched your jaw before you removed her hands from her crotch. You looked at her bulge before you looked at her with a stern look.

"I'm sorry..." Max whispered.

You looked around at everyone to make sure their attention was still on the movie before you looked back at Max.

"Okay..." You whispered before you reached for a blanket.

You put the blanket over Max's lap. You put your hand under the blanket and into Max's sweatpants.

"What are you doing?" Max whispered as she slightly jumped at your touch.

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I let you sit here with a boner that wasn't caused by me?" You whispered back with a slight smirk.

You slightly pulled down her sweatpants and boxers and took out her dick. You pumped up and down a few times before you slightly pulled down your own sweatpants and underwear.

"You wanna do this now? Right here? In front of all our friends?" Max asked you.

"You don't wanna fuck me?" You teasingly asked her.

"No, no. I do." She slightly smiled.

"Then shut up." You ordered causing her to immediately shut up.

You looked back at the others again and sure enough their eyes were glued to the tv. You subtly sat on Max's lap, inserting her hard dick inside of you. You let out a quiet moan that only Max could hear.

You pulled the blanket up higher as you leaned your head back on Max's shoulder. Max looked at you and you glanced up at her before you started to move your hips. Max put her arms around your waist as she started to slightly thrust into you. You bit the inside of your cheek so that you wouldn't moan.

Max put her hands on your waist to keep you in place as she thrusted faster. You started to pant as the pleasure started to increase. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt your orgasm approaching.

"Max, are you okay? You keep moving." Dustin spoke up from his spot on the floor.

"Um, yeah. Y/n fell asleep on me so I'm just a little uncomfortable." Max lied.

"Oh." Dustin said. "Why is she breathing so loud?"

Max looked at you to see that your eyes were still closed and you were in fact breathing heavily. She looked back at Dustin and shrugged.

"Maybe she's having a nightmare." Max told him.

"Do you want to take her into my room? She can sleep in my bed." Mike offered.

Max shook her head. "She's fine."

Dustin nodded before he and Mike turned back to the tv and you cautiously opened your eyes.

"Stay fucking quiet." Max sternly whispered in your ear before she thrusted all the way into you.

You let out a quiet moan into Max's ear. "It feels so good..." you whispered back.

You didn't mean to but the way you said that almost made Max cum immediately.

"Im close..." you whispered to her again as you felt a knot form in your stomach. "More, please."

Max put a hand up your shirt and massaged your left boob as she started to rub your clit with her other hand.

You quickly covered your mouth with your hand and squeezed your eyes shut as you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you.

Max felt your walls clench around her and she knew you cumming. Your cum was making it easier for her to slide in and out of you.

"Good girl." Max seductively whispered in your ear.

After you came down from your high, Max continued to thrust in and out of you.

"Can I cum inside of you?" Max whispered again.

You nodded before you looked up to whisper in her ear. "Fill me up with your cum, baby." You then slightly moaned in her ear.

You felt Max twitch inside of you before she blew her load. You sighed at the feeling of her warm cum mixing with yours.


Once the movie was over, you and Max left the Wheelers house to walk home. You held her hand and your other hand was holding onto her arm as you two walked the streets alone.

It was dark out and kind of chilly so Max lent you her sweatshirt which you gladly accepted. The walk was mostly silent until Max spoke up.

"We should do that again next week."

"Do what?" You asked.

"Fuck while watching the movie." Max looked at you and smirked. "Knowing that we could get caught at any moment kind of turned me on."

You slightly laughed. "Of course it did."

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