Lucas Or y/n | M.M.

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This is kind of like that one episode of Friends where Ross has to decide between Rachel and Julie

You've had a crush on Max ever since she moved here. You, Lucas, and Dustin all fought over her and then Lucas ended up winning her over at the Snowball. Dustin ended up moving on and started dating Suzie but you never got over Max.

Max walked downstairs into Mike's basement. She was carrying a present that you left for her. It was her birthday and you weren't able to spend it with her because you were visiting your grandparents so you left her birthday present with her mom.

"What's that?" Will asked as he saw Max walk down with the present.

"It's a present from y/n." Max said before she started to open it.

"Shouldn't you wait for Lucas to show up so that you could open all of your presents together?" Mike suggested.

"Oh." Max thought about it before ripping the wrapping paper off.

Max looked at the box before picking up the card and reading it.

Dear Max,
Sorry I couldn't be here for your birthday. I hope this necklace makes up for it.
Love, y/n

Max opened the box to reveal a necklace. It had a little skateboard on it with her name on the back of it. Max stared at it in awe.

"Oh my god..." Max softly said.

El stood up from her seat to look at the necklace. "It's so cute. I can't believe she bought that for you. That probably costed her a lot of money."

"Come on, y/n?" Dustin scoffed. "Remember when she fell in love Stacy and bought her that ridiculously expensive bracelet?"

Will, Mike, and El all gave him warning looks while Max just furrowed her eyebrows at him. Dustin then widened his eyes when he realized what he just said.

"What did you just say?" Max asked.

"Uh... y/n bought Stacy a bracelet?" Dustin panicked.

"No, no." Max shook her head. "The love part."


"Y/n is in love with me?" Max realized as she slowly looked down at the necklace in her hand.

"Way to go, Dustin." Mike hit his shoulder.

"Uh, do you... love her back?" El hesitantly asked Max.

"I mean i've always thought of her as my best friend but now I don't know." Max said as she sat down in a chair, still in shock. "Maybe I've always loved her. Like, more than a friend."

"What about Lucas?" Will asked.

"I don't know anymore. I like Lucas a lot but I also love y/n." Max groaned as she threw her head back.

"Well, let's make a pros and cons list." Dustin suggested as he picked up a pen and piece of paper. "We'll start with y/n. What are her cons?"

"Uh..." Max thought about it. "She's insecure sometimes, she always makes a mess when she's eating, she uses a lot of hair products, and sometimes she's gutless."

"Okay... and what about Lucas' cons?" Dustin asked.

Max sighed. "He's not y/n..."


"I broke up with Lucas." Max announced as she walked back down into the basement a few days later.

"How did he take it?" Mike asked.

"Surprisingly well. He said he always suspected that I felt something for y/n." Max told everybody. "Now, I just have to tell y/n that I love her."

"She should be on her way back from her grandparents." El told her.

"Perfect." Max said as she ran back upstairs.

"Let us know how it goes!" Dustin called after her.

Max ran out of the Wheeler house, picking up her skateboard and riding it to your house. When she got there, she saw that your car was in the driveway which meant that you were home. She ran up the stairs and knocked on the door.

You opened the door. "Oh, hi, Max." You smiled at her before your eyes made their way to the necklace around her neck. "I see you got my present."

Max slightly panted. "Yeah, that's not why I'm here though."

"Oh. Then why are you here?" You asked.

Max just stared at you for a few seconds before she leaned in, pressing her lips against yours. When she pulled away, you looked at her in shock.

"I love you. I've always loved you." Max confessed.


"Dustin told me that you love me. I broke up with Lucas for you." Max told you.

"You did?" You asked.

"Mhm." Max nodded. "And I came here to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

You smiled. "I've waited over a year for you to ask me that question."

You wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. Max wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you closer to her.

"So that's a yes?" Max asked.


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