Meeting Her | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

"Please, Taylor."


You followed your older sister around the kitchen as you begged her to take you on set to film All Too Well. Sadie Sink, your celebrity crush, was starring in it and you really wanted to meet her.

"But, i've had a crush on Sadie for like... ever and I really want to meet her." You continued to beg.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Sadie is there to work, not so that you can flirt with her."

"I'm not gonna flirt with her, I swear." You told her.

"Yeah, right." Taylor scoffed.

"I'll do the dishes for a month." You compromised.

"You're only visiting for a week." Taylor said.

You glared at her.

Taylor let out a sigh. "If I let you come, will you stop asking."

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

"Fine. Let's go."


It was only the second day of filming All Too Well and it was the second day of filming in the woods. You and Taylor had just arrived at set and you immediately started looking around for Sadie.

You spotted her and a smile formed on your face. You were about to walk over there and introduce yourself but Taylor grabbed your shoulders and faced you in the direction of her directors chair.

"Go sit over there." Taylor said.

"What?" You asked. "But I was gonna-"

"I know what you were gonna do but she's working right now. You can talk to her on her break." Taylor said.

"Fine." You defeatedly walked over to Taylor's director chair and sat down in it.

You watched them film for about an hour before you got bored and went on your phone.


You looked up from your phone and saw Sadie standing in front of you. You looked behind you to make sure she was really talking to you.

"Uh, hi?" You said.

"You're y/n, right? Taylors younger sister." Sadie asked with a smile.

You nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm Sadie." She held her hand out for you to shake.

"Yeah." You shook Sadie's hand. "Not to be creepy or anything but I'm a really big fan."

"Don't worry about it." Sadie smiled. "Anyways, I'm on my break right now and I just wanted to hang out with you."

"Me? Why?" You asked.

Sadie shrugged. "I don't know. You seem like a fun person."

"Oh." You smiled. "Do you wanna take a walk? I've been sitting in this chair for a while and i'm bored."

Sadie laughed. "Yeah, let's go."

You stood up from your chair and you and Sadie went off to venture out in the woods.

You walked for a while and got to know each other a little before you guys stumbled upon a lake. You guys sat on the edge of the lake and talked more.

"How much money for you to jump in the lake?" You looked at Sadie and smirked.

Sadie looked at you with knitted eyebrows. "I'm not jumping in the lake."

"I'll jump in with you." You said.

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