Protective Older Sister | S.S.

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You were laying in bed, watching videos on your phone when there was a knock on your bedroom door. You sat up to see that it was your little sister, Stephanie.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" She asked as she closed your room door and walked over to you.

"What's up?" You asked.

"Can you drop me off at the movies on Saturday night?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm going out to dinner with Sadie." You told her. "Can't Mom do it?"

"Mom's going out." She responded. "And I want to go with Josh..."

"Oh, so you're trying to go on a secret date?" You clarified.

"Kind of." Stephanie nodded.

"I don't know how I feel about this." You crossed your arms. "Don't you think you're a little too young to be going on dates?"

"How old were you when you first went out with Sadie?" Stephanie mocked.

"Sadie and I were friends before we started dating." You retorted.

"Come on, it's just a movie." Stephanie whined.

"Have you been out with Josh before?" You asked.

"Never alone." She shrugged.

"How old is he?"


"Do his parents know about it?"

"What are you, Mom now?" She asked.

"You're my sister. You and boys is weird." You answered.

"Will you take me or not?" She asked.

You sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Stephanie exclaimed as she wrapped you up in a hug.

"You better not be hugging him like this or that date is gonna be over real quick." You told her causing her to sigh out of annoyance.


Saturday night rolled around and you and Stephanie were in the car. You were driving while she was in the backseat.

"I'll pick Sadie up first then I'll pick up Josh." You said to Stephanie.

"Okay." Stephanie said.

"So what movie are we seeing?" You asked her.

"What do you mean 'we'?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"You think I'm gonna let you go to the movies alone with him?" You scoffed.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Stephanie asked you in disbelief.

"Nothing is gonna happen because I'm gonna be there." You shrugged.

Stephanie groaned. "You're so annoying."

"Relax, I'm not gonna sit with you." You assured her. "I'll be in the back."

"I thought you were taking Sadie out to dinner." Stephanie reminded you.

"I'm sure Sadie will understand." You nodded as you pulled up to Sadie's house.

Stephanie leaned back in her chair with a groan. You looked out the window and saw Sadie leaving her house. She smiled as she opened the passenger side door of the car and got in.

"Hi, baby."


"Hey, Steph." Sadie greeted as she noticed Stephanie in the backseat.

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