The Love Triangle | M.M.

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The Byers didn't move - Season 3 events happened but not season 4

You've had a crush on Max since she moved here and she liked you too. The problem is Lucas also liked her and she liked him. The two of you have been fighting over her for as long as you could remember.

It was July 4th 1986 and you and your twin brother Lucas were having a party at your house with El, Max, Will, Mike, and Dustin.

It was fully dark outside and you had walked into the backyard with a firework and a lighter in your hand. You looked around and noticed that Lucas and Max weren't outside.

"Hey, where's Lucas and Max?" You asked.

"I think they're in the front yard." Dustin told you.

You furrowed your eyebrows before turning around and going back inside. You walked through the house to the front yard. You opened the front door and stood on the porch.

You noticed Max and Lucas sitting in the grass and talking. They haven't noticed you so you tried to stay as quiet as possible. You watched as the two of them started to lean in.

Without even thinking, you lit the firework in your hand. You aimed it at them and it exploded only a few feet away from them. The two of them jolted away from each other. You stared at them before turning around and going back inside.


You were sitting in the grass, in the backyard, setting up a few fireworks in the grass. Everybody else was off talking to somebody else and you were by yourself.

Max sat down next to you a few minutes later. "Can I help?"

You looked at her and then looked back at what you were doing. "Sure."

"You're not gonna try and blow head off with a firework?" Max picked up another firework and started to set it up.

You sighed. "I didn't know you guys were out there."

"Mhm." Max nodded.

"If it makes you feel better, I was aiming for Lucas' head." You joked.

Max chuckled.

"Y/n." Lucas stomped over to you and Max. "You almost killed me with that stupid firework."

"Relax." You stood up. "I only missed your head by a few feet."

"Oh, like that makes it better." Lucas crossed his arms. "You just couldn't handle the fact that I was winning Max over. Why can't you just let me have her."

"Have?!" Max exclaimed as she stood up from the ground.

"I did. I let you have her for a whole year but it's obvious she likes me better." You reminded him. "You guys have been on and off since 8th grade. When her brother died, she was all alone and you were never there. Wanna know who was? Me."

"Don't be a bitch about it." Lucas said.

"Fuck you." You snapped before walking off.

You went back inside and ran up to your bedroom. You slammed the door shut and flopped down on your bed. You picked up a ball and started to bounce it off the wall.

A few minutes later your bedroom door opened and an angry Max walked in. You sat up in your bed as she closed your bedroom door.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Max said.

"What?" You asked.

"You and Lucas were arguing and talking about me like I was a fucking trophy!" Max yelled.

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