Heat Of The Moment | S.S. (Part 2)

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You woke up one morning to see that Sadie wasn't next to you in bed. You weren't confused because she had told you that she had to film some retakes for season 4.

You rubbed your eyes and yawned before you stood up from the bed. Once you stood up, you had the strong urge to throw up. You covered your mouth and ran into the bathroom. You leaned over the toilet and threw up.

When you were done puking your guts out you realized something. You widened your eyes and ran back over to your phone. You checked the date and realized that you were a few days late.

"Oh shit."

You quickly grabbed your car keys and put on your shoes. You ran out to your car and turned it on. You pulled out of the driveway and drove to Millies house.

Once you got to her house, you knocked on the door. When Millie opened the door, she saw you standing there with a hand on your stomach while you were biting your nails.

"What's wrong?" Millie asked.

"Ca- can I come in?" You asked.

Millie nodded and moved to the side. You walked into her house and sat down at the counter. Millie shut her front door and walked over to you.

"What's going on? Why are you all nervous." Millie wondered.

You sighed. "Im pregnant..."

"What?!" Millie exclaimed as she widened her eyes. "Are you sure? Did you take a test?"

"No. Not yet." You said.

"So, how do you know you're pregnant?" Millie asked.

"Im a few days late." You said as you started to play with your fingers.

"That could mean a lot of things. When was the last time you and Sadie... you know." Millie said.

"Last week after the party." You told her.

"And you didn't think to have her wear protection?" Millie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Usually we do but you know... heat of the moment." You cheekily said.

Millie sighed. "Why don't we go buy you a test?"

"Okay..." you nodded.


Once you and Millie got to CVS, you both looked around for the pregnancy tests but you couldn't find them.

"I dont see them." You told Millie.

"Excuse me. Where do you keep your pregnancy tests?" Millie asked a worker which caused you to widen your eyes.

"Millie." You whisper-yelled.

"Behind the counter at the pharmacy." The worker said before walking away.

"Could you please be more discreet?" You asked Millie.

"Relax she doesn't know its for you." Millie waved you off.

You and Millie walked over to the pharmacy section. You ordered a pregnancy test and when the girl handed you one, you paid for it and left.

When you got back to Millies house, you went into the bathroom and took the test while Millie waited outside the door.

"How is it going?" Millie yelled through the door.

"It would be easier to pee if you stopped talking." You replied.

"Sorry." Millie rolled her eyes before shutting up.

"Now its too quiet. Say something." You told her.

Millie sighed. "I know you weren't expecting this, and you still might not be pregnant, but if it turns out you are... I'll always be here for you."

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