Sweatshirt | S.S. (Part 1)

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Based on the Friends episode
Mentions of Sadie g!p

You, Maya, and Natalia were hanging out in your trailer, tossing around a little bouncy ball and talking about your upcoming scenes. You and Millie shared a trailer but she was filming with Sadie at the moment.

You tossed the ball over to Maya and it went right over her head, into the trash can.

"Oops." You said.

"Nice going." Maya said.

"Just take it out the trash." Natalia rolled her eyes.

Maya sighed before going into the trashcan and looking for the bouncy ball.

"Oh my god." Maya said as she pulled something out of the trash bin.

"What?" Natalia asked as you and her looked at Maya.

"There was a pregnancy test in the garbage." Maya showed it to you both. "And it's positive."

You slightly widened your eyes as Maya and Natalia looked at you. You quickly shook your head.

"It's not mine. It's probably Millie's." You told them.

"Millie's pregnant." Natalia said in shock. "Okay, we can't tell anyone about this."

Maya nodded. "Okay."


Later that night, you were at a cast dinner party. You were sitting at a table with Maya next to you and Natalia across from Maya.

As Maya and Natalia were talking about something random, you looked over at Sadie who was sitting a few chairs down on the other side of the table.

She was sipping a glass of wine and listening to whatever Caleb was telling her. Sadie glanced at you, making eye contact. You quickly looked away and turned your attention back to Maya and Natalia.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked you as she glanced over at Sadie.

"Mhm." You nodded. "I'm just thinking."

"You know it's okay to miss her." Natalia assured you. "We all know that things haven't been easy for you since you two broke up."

You chuckled. "I don't miss Sadie."

Millie came over and sat right across from you. The three of you turned to look at her. Millie looked at you all and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Millie asked.

You, Maya, and Natalia looked at each other before looking back at Millie.

"We know about your baby." Natalia said.

"What?" Millie said.

"We found your pregnancy test in the trash in your trailer." Maya told her.

Millie looked at you in confusion before her eyes lit up in realization. You subtly shook your head.

"Oh..." Millie said as she looked at the other two. "Yeah, i'm pregnant but it's not that big of a deal and I don't want anybody to know."

"Well, we just want you to know that we're here if you need anything." Natalia assured her.

"Thank you. It really means a lot to me." Millie looked over at you. "y/n, can I talk to you?"

You nodded as you removed your napkin from your lap and stood up. Millie also stood up and you two went to go talk outside the restaurant.

"Oh my god." Millie said in shock once you two were finally alone.

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