Dinner | S.S.

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You and Sadie were laying down on the couch watching tv. You were laying down on her chest, listening to her heartbeat as she traced shapes on your back.

Sadie glanced over at the clock, seeing that it was almost seven pm. It was only then did she realize that neither of you had dinner. She looked back at you to see how invested in the show you were.

"Do you want dinner?" Sadie asked you.

Sadie felt you shake your head 'no' followed by you saying, "I'm not hungry."

A few seconds after, Sadie heard your stomach growl. She let out a chuckle before tapping your ass, signaling for you to get up.

"Come on, let's make dinner." Sadie said.

You cuddled in closer to her. "I'm comfortable."

"We can continue cuddling once we're done eating." Sadie smiled.

You sighed and sat up so that you were straddling her. "Fine. What are you gonna make?"

"What do you want?" Sadie asked.

"Um..." You thought about it. "Can you make that vegan pasta that you made for our anniversary?"

"Sure." Sadie nodded. "Do you want to help me?"

"Yeah." You smiled and quickly got off of her.

You took her hand, pulling her up from the couch and dragging her into the kitchen. You went into the fridge to get ingredients while Sadie looked up the recipe on her laptop.

Once you got the ingredients you told Sadie how much of everything you need to put in. It was a simple recipe yet you somehow misread the amount of salt to put in and the sauce ended up being... inedible, to put it nicely.

Neither of you wanted to dirty up any more dishes then you already had with your failed attempt at making pasta so you both just decided on ordering takeout.

Sadie called the Italian restaurant that was a few blocks down the road but you both still had a giant mess to clean up. You crossed your arms as you looked at all the dirty pots and pans and the splashes of sauce on the counter that you had to wipe off.

"Shall we get started on this mess?" You asked Sadie.

Instead of giving you a direct response, Sadie just shrugged and pushed you up against the counter before she lifted you on top of it.

"I don't feel like cleaning." Sadie replied as she ran her hands up and down your thighs. "I'd rather eat first."

You placed your hands on her shoulders. "The food should be here in like thirty minutes or-"

"I'm hungry now." Sadie cut you off

You let out a chuckle. "Well if you want to eat the salt poisoning pasta then be my guest."

"I'm hungry for something else..."

There was a pleading look in her eye like she was hoping you'd understand what she was getting at. Once her fingertips slipped teasingly into the hem of your sweatpants, you understood.

"Oh." You blushed before spreading your legs just enough to pull her in between them, putting your finger under her chin and pulling her face close. "Well then eat up, baby." You whispered in her ear before pressing your lips to hers passionately.

Sadie put her hands on your hips, trailing them up and bringing your shirt up with them. She threw your shirt on the ground before putting her fingers in the hem of your shorts and started pulling them down, along with your underwear. You slightly lifted your hips up to help her.

Once she got them down to your ankles she put her hands on your thighs, very close to where you needed her the most.

You put your hand on the back of her neck and pulled her back in for another lustful kiss. She squeezed your thigh causing you to let out a small moan, giving her an opportunity to slip her tongue in your mouth. While you two made out, Sadie trailed her hand over to your pussy.

"Mmm. You're so wet." Sadie said against your lips as she ran her fingers through your folds.

You hummed into the kiss. "Please..."

"Please, what?" Sadie softly said.

"Touch me." You whined.

Sadie spread your folds with her middle and index finger before she placed her thumb on your clit and began to rub in slow circles. You let out a sound between a relieved sigh and a moan.

"Fuck... Just like that, baby. Just keep doing that..."

After a few seconds, she stopped rubbing your clit and got down on her knees, right in front of your bare pussy. You tangled your fingers in her hair as she gently kissed your inner thigh.

Sadie looped her arms around your legs and pulled you closer to the edge of the counter. She lingered in front of your pussy for a few seconds, letting you feel her breath.

She leaned in and you felt her tongue slide through your folds. You let out small moans as you lightly tugged on her hair. She gripped on your thighs before she stuck her tongue in your hole causing you to gasp. Sadie leaned in closer so that her nose was pushed against your clit.

You looked down and watched as she continued to eat you out. Sadie made eye contact with you which made the whole scene look even better.

Her tongue swirled around inside of you, trying to find your g-spot. Once she found it, you let out a loud moan. You were almost sure your neighbors could hear you.

You moaned out her name as you felt your orgasm approaching. You put your hand back on the counter and slightly leaned back.

"I'm gonna cum, Sadie." You moaned.

Sadie hummed in response and the vibrations sent you over the edge. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Sadie continued to pleasure you throughout your orgasm.

You let out a string of moans, consisting of curse words and her name, as you bucked your hips up and started grinding against her face, riding out the waves of your orgasm.

You tried to close your legs but Sadie kept pushing them back open. She slowed down her tongue movements as you came down from your high.

Sadie lapped up all your cum before standing up. She got a good look at your disheveled state causing her to smirk. She moved a piece of your hair that was stuck to your forehead before she kissed you so that you could taste yourself on her lips.

Right as she pulled away, there was a knock at the door. Sadie looked at the apartment door before looking back at you.

"Right on time." She smirked.

Sadie tapped your thigh before she went to the door. You quickly put your shorts and shirt back on as Sadie opened the door, picking up the bag of food that was on the floor.

She shut the door and came back into the kitchen, setting the bag of food on the counter. You each took out your food, grabbed some utensils and drinks, before going into the living room to continue cuddling and watching tv while you ate.

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