Aftermath | Z.B.

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You were on your way to the hospital to see Ziggy. Nick had called you to tell you about the massacre that happened at the camp and he told you that Ziggy was rushed to the hospital.

Ziggy was your best friend and crush. You were from Sunnyvale but that never stopped the two of you from becoming so close so when Nick told you what happened, you immediately made your mom drive you to the hospital. Your mom went to the park the car as you ran up to the front desk.

"Um, excuse me. I'm here to see Christine. Christine Berman." You told the lady at the front desk.

The lady sighed as she typed something into her computer. "She's in surgery right now. We'll let you know when she's ready for visitors."

"Is she gonna be okay?" You asked her.

"We'll let you know soon. Have a seat over there while you wait." She expasteratedly said.

You let out a groan as you sat down in a chair.


About an hour later, a doctor came out telling you that you were able to see Ziggy. He told you her room number and then you went off looking for her.

After what seemed like forever, you finally found the room she was in. You walked in and saw her sleeping in the hospital bed, still under anesthesia from the surgery.

"Ziggy..." You whispered.

You pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed and sat down. You took her hand in your own as you stared at her. You looked down at all the bandages wrapped around her abdomen.

"I'm here, Ziggy. No one will ever hurt you again..." You assured her as you rubbed your thumb over her knuckles.


About half an hour later, Ziggy woke up. Her eyes fluttered open to see her fingers laced with yours. She looked at you and saw that you were asleep in the chair.

"y/n...?" Ziggy mumbled.

You slowly woke up, rubbing your eyes with your hands and then seeing that she was awake. "Ziggy. How are you?"

She just stared at you.

You shook your head. "Stupid question."

Ziggy smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"Nick told me what happened so then I rushed over here. He said that Tommy went crazy and killed a bunch of kids." You told her.

Ziggy's smile fell. "It wasn't Tommy. It was the witch, she did this."

"Ziggy, you know that stuff isn't real, right?" You chuckled.

Ziggy removed her hand from yours. "Of course you would say that. You're just like all the other Sunnyvalers."

"No, no. I'm not." You told her.

"So then you believe me? About the witch." Ziggy clarified.

"Uh... Sure." You said. "I- I believe you."

It was silent for a few seconds until Ziggy spoke up. "Cindy... She... She's gone isn't she?"

You looked into her eyes before nodding. "I'm sorry, Ziggy."

"Why are you sorry?" Ziggy asked as she slightly sat up.

"Not being there."

"It's not your fault." Ziggy assured you.

"I shouldn't have taken that other job." You ran your fingers through your hair. "I should have stayed at camp to be a counselor. I should have been there to protect you."

"y/n, it's not your fault." Ziggy took your hand in her own. "There wasn't anything you could do to protect me. I'm glad you weren't there."

"I'm glad you're okay." You slightly smiled. "If I lost you... I don't know what I would have done. You're my whole world, Ziggs."

Ziggy smiled. "You're my whole world too, y/n/n."

You looked down at her hand that was still holding yours. "Now's probably not a good time to say this, but..." You looked into her eyes. "I love you. And not just as friends."

"I love you, too." Ziggy responded before a slight smile formed on her lips. "Not just as friends."

You looked at her before slowly leaning in and kissing her. Ziggy put her hand on the back of your neck as your lips moved in sync. After you pulled away, you both just smiled at each other like idiots.

"After you get out of here and you're all healed, i'll take you on a date." You promised her.

Ziggy chuckled. "I'll be looking forward to it."

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