Happy Birthday To Me | S.S.

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It was your 21st birthday and you were hoping to spend it with your lovely girlfriend, Sadie Sink. However when you woke up that morning she wasn't next to you in bed.

You knew that she had been busy filming her new movie but you thought that she would take the day off to spend it with you. You reached over to grab your phone from the charging port, turning it on.

No text or call from Sadie.

You let out a small sigh, deciding to text her first. You opened your messages and typed something out.


10:52 am

Hey, baby

Hope you're having
a good day

After getting no reply, you shut off your phone and went to go take a shower. When you got out of the shower you checked your phone to see if Sadie replied. She didn't.

A few hours later you still haven't gotten a text back from Sadie and you were starting to get pretty pissed off.


2:25 pm

Do you know when
you'll be home?

3:45 pm

Are you okay? I'm
getting worried

5:08 pm

Idk whats going on
but please text me when
you can

A few more texts later and no answer, you gave up deciding to spend your birthday by yourself. You bought yourself some dinner and then went to the store to buy a cake.

You went to Shoprite and headed to the baking section. You picked out your favorite cake flavor and icing. While you were in line to pay, a fan came up to you.


You turned around seeing two girls, both around 15.

"Hi." You smiled at them.

"Happy birthday. We're really big fans." One of the girls said.

"Aw, thank you so much."

You took a picture with the two girls and then they asked you a question that almost made you tear up.

"Who are you spending your birthday with?"

You quickly checked your phone, hoping to see a text from Sadie but there wasn't one. "Myself."

"Oh, where's Sadie?" The other girl asked.

"Not sure." You shrugged. "Have a nice night."

After paying for your things, you left the store. You put the bag of things in the passenger seat before sitting in the driver's seat. You placed your hands on the steering wheel and stared in front of you.

A tear rolled down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away, starting the car and driving home.

When you drove home, you made the cake. When it was done you iced it and placed candles all around it. You wrote the number 21 in the middle with three exclamation marks.

You shut off all the lights and picked up a lighter, lighting all the candles. You set down the lighter and stared at the cake, taking a quick picture of it.

You were about to blow out your candles before your phone lit up followed by a ding. You picked up your phone and went into your messages with Sadie.


10:12 pm

Sorry, baby, late night
on set

Plan on sleeping in my
trailer but i'll be home

You sighed and decided to leave her on read. You put your phone down on the table and looked at the cake.

"Happy birthday to me." You closed your eyes, making a wish and blowing out the candles.


The next morning you were sitting on the couch, eating cereal and watching Friends. You heard the front door open causing you to glance at the clock.

"Good morning, darling." Sadie smiled as she walked into the living room.

"Morning." You said as you kept your eyes on the tv.

Sadie sat down next to you on the couch, kissing you on the cheek before studying your facial expressions. "You okay?"

"Im fine."

"Okay." Sadie nodded before she pulled out her phone.

You could see out of the corner of your eye that she was opening up Instagram. Immediately the first thing that popped up was the birthday post that you posted last night.

Sadie read your caption before her eyes widened. She swiped down on her phone, looking at the date and then looking at you.

"Y/n?" Sadie hesitantly said as she shut off her phone.

"Hm?" You hummed, taking another bite of your cereal.

"Im so sorry, baby." Sadie apologized. "I dont know how your birthday slipped my mind."

"Dont worry about." You stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen.

Sadie stood up and followed you into the kitchen. "How about we go out for dinner tonight."

"That's okay." You told her as you put your cereal bowl in the sink.

"Come on, y/n/n." Sadie begged. "It doesn't have to be dinner. We can go out and do anything you want."

You let out an annoyed sigh. "Sadie, im not mad that we didn't do anything. Im mad that you weren't there."

"Well, I dont know what you want me to do." Sadie said.

"I just... i want space." You told her before going upstairs.


Sadie left you alone for a few hours before going upstairs to talk to you. She knocked on the bedroom door, waiting for your approval.

"Y/n, can we talk now, please?" Sadie asked.

"Sure." You answered.

Sadie opened up the door and went into the room, sitting on the bed across from you.

"Please, y/n. Please, tell me how I can fix this." Sadie begged. "I'll beat myself up everyday for forgetting your birthday. You're so special to me and I love you so much. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Just... hold me." You said.

Sadie nodded and crawled over to you. She laid down beside you and you crawled on top of her.

Sadie wrapped her arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around her neck, your head resting on her chest. She places her hand up your shirt, drawing shapes on your back.

"I want you to be here more often." You softly said. "You're always on set and i barely get to see you.

"Just a couple more days of filming and then you'll have me all to yourself, okay?" Sadie assured you.

"Okay." You whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too, pretty girl."

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