7 Minutes In Heaven | M.M.

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You, Steve, Robin, Max, El, Lucas, Will, and Dustin were at Nancy and Mikes house for a Christmas party. You were standing by the drink table, refilling your glass with your favorite soda. Once you were done you turned around and almost bumped into Max.

"Oh. Im sorry." Max apologized.

You gave her a slight smile before kissing her on the lips. Max looked at you with wide eyes as her cheeks turned pink.

"W- what- what was that for?" Max stuttered.

You looked up before looking back at Max. "Mistletoe."

You winked at her before walking back over to Nancy, Robin, and Steve. They had looks of confusion and shock on their face causing you to furrow your eyebrows.

"Did you just kiss Max?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah. So?" You shrugged.

"Why?" Steve wondered.

"Mistletoe." Was all you said.

"Uh-huh. And that's the only reason?" Robin teased.

You rolled your eyes. The three of them had suspected that you had a crush on Max since you spent a lot of your time with her and you laugh at her jokes even when they aren't funny but they were never able to prove anything.

"Come on, y/n/n. We know you like her." Steve said.

"You cant prove anything." You folded your arms.

"We just watched you kiss her." Nancy furrowed her eyebrows.

"You have to kiss when you're under the mistletoe its the rules!" You defended.

"Well, what about the other day at lunch?" Robin asked.

"What about it?" You asked.

"You were being all giggly towards her. Telling her how her jokes are funny when you know damn well they aren't." Robin reminded you.

"Hey. Dont say that about her jokes." You said.

"Thats another thing. You always get so annoyed when someone criticizes her." Nancy added.

"Id do that for anyone." You said.

"Yeah but you're worse when it comes to her." Steve said.

"Thats not true." You told him.

"Remember when Mike told Max that her handwriting was messy and you threatened to break his nose? And the time when Dustin called her an idiot and you gave him a 15 minute lecture. Or when Lucas-"

"Okay. I get it." You stopped Steve. "So I do like her. What am I supposed to do? I cant just walk up to her and say, 'I like you. Lets go on a date'."

"Guys! Lets play Truth or Dare!" Mike yelled out.

Nancy, Steve, and Robin smirked at each other as they came up with an idea.

"What?" You asked.

"I think we have an idea." Robin said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Nancy told you as they lead you over the living room where everyone was playing Truth or Dare.


A few rounds went by and now it was your turn to be asked Truth or Dare.

"Y/n, Truth or Dare?" Steve asked you with a smirk.

"Uh, dare?" You cluelessly said.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Max." Steve said.

You widened your eyes before glaring at him.

"Go on, y/n. Its a dare. You have to do it." Robin teased.

You sighed and looked at Max, who was sitting next to you. Max looked at you before standing up.

"We dont have-"

"Lets go, y/l/n." Max said before walking over to the closet.

You flipped Steve off as you walked into the closet.

"Operation y/s/n is a go." Nancy whispered to Steve and Robin.

"What are you guys up to?" El asked as she watched Robin stand up and lock the closet.

"We all know Max and y/n like each other and they're both to shy to ask each other out so we just gave them a little shove." Robin shrugged.

Max sat down on one side of the closet as you turned on the light. You then sat down on the opposite side of her.

"I call being top." Max said after a few seconds of silence.

"What?" You asked.

"Im joking." Max laughed.

"Oh." You looked at the ground.

"You can be top if you want." Max added.

You looked at her with wide eyes. She laughed at your reaction before the two of you fell into an awkward silence once again.

"So... how was your day?" She asked you.

"Fine." You answered.

"What'd you do?" She wondered.

"I watched a movie. Lets see what else did I do?" You asked yourself as you tried to think.

Max, however, was so caught up in the words coming out of your mouth that it was hard to even process what you were saying.

She liked you so much and everyday she'd hope that you felt the same way about her.

Max smiled as she watched you go off topic.

You soon noticed that Max was caught up in her own thoughts, unaware that you were the one that she was thinking about.

"Max? Are you even listening to me?" You asked her as you nudged her foot with her own.

"Um..." She trailed off.

"You aren't!" You pretended to be offended. "What could you be thinking about that is more important than my rambling? Whats-"

You couldn't even finish your sentence because Max had scooted over to you and placed her lips on yours.

You immediately closed your eyes and kissed her back. All of your previous thoughts had disappeared since the only thing you were focused on were Max's soft, pink lips moving against yours.

"Ive wanted to do that for so long." Max said once she pulled away.

"Its not like we haven't kisses before." You smiled.

"I know, but... that time it was for real and not just because of some silly mistletoe." Max said causing you to laugh.

"Wait." You furrowed your eyes in realization.

"What?" Max asked.

"Its been longer than 7 minutes." You said as you stood up and tried to open the door but it was locked.

Max walked over and banged on the door. "Hey! Open up you assholes!"

"Whats the password?" Steve shouted back.

"I'll break your nose!" You yelled back.

"Wrong!" Robin yelled.

"Robin, please!" You begged.

"You're not coming out of there until you two talk out your feelings!" Nancy yelled before she, Steve, and Robin left.

"We did!" You yelled back only to get no response. "Hello?"

"I think they left." Max said.

"Welp. Guess we're spending the night in a closet." You told her.

Max smirked. "A night in a closet alone with you? Sounds like a dream."

You smiled as she moved closer to you and kissed you.

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