My Best Friends Sister | S.S.

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You and your best friend, Mitchell, met in high school. You were a year younger than him but that didn't stop the two of you from becoming so close. You both were sitting at the table eating breakfast when Sadie came downstairs with bedhead. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts. Her eyes went wide as she saw you.

Sadie has had a crush on you ever since you and Mitchell met. At first she thought you and him were a thing but you have made it very clear that you both are platonic with a capital p.

"Y/n?" Sadie said in shock.

"Yes?" You looked up from your breakfast. "Woah. Did you get into a fight with a lawnmower?" You joked, referring to Sadies bedhead.

Mitchell stifled a laugh as Sadie rolled her eyes. She grabbed some breakfast and sat down across from you.

"If I knew you were here I would have made myself look more presentable." Sadie said.

"Why? Cause you have a crush on her?" Mitchell teased.

"Shut up Mitch." Sadie threw a tiny piece of bacon at him. "I just wasn't expecting her to be here."

You knew Sadie had a crush on you. Her whole family knew it too. She wasn't that very good at hiding it.

"But y/n's always here." Mitchell pointed out.

Sadie glared at him.

"Let's go back upstairs y/n/n." Mitchell said.

The two of you picked up your dirty plates and put them in the sink.

"See you later, Sades." You said before going upstairs with Mitchell.

Sadies face flushed pink at the nickname. You and Mitchell walked into his room. He sat in his gaming chair while you sat on his bed, scrolling through instagram on your phone. He turned his chair to face you.

"Sadie's so in love with you."

"Yeah. It's cute though." You said.

"Do you like her back?" He asked you.

You looked up from your phone. "Of course not."

"Sure." He said before turning back around in his chair to play some games on his computer while you continued to scroll through Instagram.

About an hour later Sadie came into Mitchells room wearing a black dress and her hair was in waves. You looked up at her with wide eyes. She looked... hot. She looked at you with a smile. A smile that made your stomach do about a thousand flips. Oh shit. Maybe you did like Sadie.

"Mitch." Sadie said.

Mitchell took off his headphones and looked at her.

"I'm going out with Millie." Sadie informed him.

Mitchell nodded before Sadie left.

"Holy shit." You breathed out.

He looked at you. "What?"

You looked at him. "I'm in love with your sister."

Mitchell jumped out of his chair. "I knew it! I knew it all along!"

You chuckled. "Yeah, but did you know it?"

"I did." He said with a smug grin. "So what are you gonna do?"

"What is there to do?" You asked.

"Um... ask her out?"

You scoffed. "She probably already left."

"Sadie!" Mitchell called out.

"Yes?" Sadie called back.

She was still here. Great.

"Come here! y/n has a question for you!" Mitchell yelled.

"Mitch, I'm gonna kill you." You gritted through your teeth.

Sadie walked back into the room and looked at you.

"Uh... Can we talk in private?" You asked her.

"I guess. Make it quick though. Millies gonna be mad if i'm late." Sadie said.

"I will." You said.

Sadie walked into her room and you followed her. You shut the door to her room and turned around to face her.

"Uh... I was wondering if one day you would want too... you know... like... just the two of us?" You stuttered.

Sadie chuckled. "Are you trying to ask me out on a date?"

"No! I mean... unless you want too?"

Sadie walked closer to you with a smile. "So smooth."

She immediately placed her lips on yours. You placed your hands around her waist, pulling her closer. Her arms went around your neck. You felt Sadie smile into the kiss. The two of you continued to make out in her room until she pulled away, both of your lips slightly swollen.

"I gotta go but, uh... maybe we can finish then when I get back?" Sadie wondered.

You nodded eagerly. Sadie smiled before opening her bedroom door. She gave you one more kiss before leaving. You walked back into Mitchells room and flopped down on his bed.

"Did you just swap spit with my sister?" He asked.

You sat up and looked at him. "How'd you know?"

"Your lips are swollen." He pointed out.

"Oh." You said as he laughed.

Later that night Mitchell fell asleep next to you in his bed. You tried to sleep but you couldn't so you just watched videos on your phone. Everytime you slept over he always offered to sleep on the floor but you always told him that it wasn't a big deal. You knew he wouldn't try anything and he knew you wouldn't try anything. His parents didn't mind that you slept in his room. They trusted you both. Around 11 o'clock at night Sadie walked into Mitchell's room.

"Good. You're awake. Wanna come sleep in my bed?" She asked.


You stood up from Mitchell's bed and followed Sadie into her bedroom. Sadie closed her bedroom door and gave you a peck on the lips.

"How was your night out?" You wondered.

Sadie went into her closet and picked out a pair of pj's. "It was okay. All I could think about was you though."

"Oh yeah?" You asked.

"Yeah." She said.

Sadie glanced at her pj's and then at you.

"Oh, sorry." You said before turning to face the wall.

Sadie put her pj's on the bed before sighing. "y/n?"

You turned back around. "Yeah?"

Sadie slowly unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Your heart rate immediately increased.

"Damn." You breathed out.

Sadie smiled. "Shut up."

You smiled before going over to her and kissing her.

The next morning

You and Sadie were sitting at the table, eating breakfast, with your hands intertwined on the table. You went to take a sip of your orange juice just as Mitchell walked over to the two of you.

"Hey. Next time you two have fun be a little quieter. You woke me up." He said.

You immediately spit your orange juice back out while Sadie just looked at him with wide eyes.


I've decided that i'm gonna post every Saturday and Sunday.

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