Family Feud | S.S. (Part 2)

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It's been about a week since the whole scandal at Sadie's house. You and Sadie continued to see each other in secret and you both tried to figure out a way to get Sadie's parents to like you.

You were laying in bed when the idea hit you. You quickly picked up your phone and called Sadie. The phone rang a few times before Sadie picked up.

"Sadie!" You exclaimed.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Sadie worriedly asked.

"Nothing's wrong." You assured her. "I thought of a way to get your parents to like me."

"Really? How?" Sadie asked.

"Uh, its a little hard to explain. Just come over to my house tomorrow with them." You told her.

"Your house? Isn't that a little risky?" Sadie questioned.

"The rest of my family is going out tomorrow so they won't be home." You said to her.

"Alright. See you tomorrow." Sadie said.

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you, too." Sadie said before hanging up.


The next day you went out, bought nice clothes, and cooked some food. Sadie arrived at your house with her parents and she let herself in.

"Y/n?" Sadie called out but got no answer.

Sadie's parents looked around the house. They were surprised on how nice it looked inside.

"Where's your thief of a girlfriend?" Casey asked as he folded his arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you? She's not a thief." Sadie told him.

"Whatever." Casey rolled his eyes.

"Good evening, Mr and Mrs Sink." You greeted as you came out of the kitchen with a smile on your face.

The three of them turned to you. Sadie furrowed her eyebrows at your outfit and your nice greeting

"If anyone would like some food, it's in the kitchen." You gestured to the kitchen with a smile.

"I'll have some, but I won't like it." Lori said as she walked into the kitchen with Casey behind her.

You were about to follow them in but Sadie took your arm and pulled you off to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sadie asked.

"What do you mean?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"This outfit, the way you're speaking, and the fact that you cooked food. This isn't you." Sadie replied.

You shrugged. "Your parents didn't like my aggressive street ruffian personality so I figured if I turned myself into a sophisticated society gent then they would like me."

You turned back around and walked into the kitchen. Sadie watched you go with confusion all over her face.

"What?" Sadie asked herself before she followed you.

As you walked into the kitchen you saw Lori and Casey sitting down at the table. Lori got a good look at your outfit as you sat down across from her and Sadie sat down next to you.

"Nice outfit, y/n." Lori said.

"Thank you, ma'am." You gave her a smile. "Now that the refreshments have been served, let's move on to the pleasantries. How about that opera. That's a whole thing, huh?"

Sadie's parents nodded while Sadie just stared at you.

"I thought about the things you said about me and my family so I thought I would change my ways, you know?" You said to Sadie's parents. "And I would love to officially have your blessing to see your daughter."

"Hmm." Casey thought.

"Sorry, not interested." Sadie spoke up as she stood up.

"What?" You asked as you stood up. "I... I made food."

Sadie gestured to your whole outfit. "This isn't you. Where's the girl who wears a leather jacket? And never pretends to be something she's not?" Sadie slightly smiled as you looked at her. "That's the y/n I know, and I really, really, really love her."

"Whoa." You smiled. "Three 'reallys'. Look, I'm... I'm sorry. I did all this stuff so that I could, you know, impress your parents and the only person that I really wanted to impress is you."

"Wow." Casey said as he and Lori stood up. "What you just said could only be said by a real nice girl."

"I think we were wrong about you, y/n." Lori spoke up.

Sadie smiled. "So do we have your blessing? Can I go out with her?"

"You have our blessing." Casey smiled.

You looked at Sadie with the biggest smile on your face. Sadie laughed before she hugged you. Sadie slightly pulled away to give you a kiss on the lips.

You pulled away from Sadie to look at her parents. "Thank you so much, Mr and Mrs Sink. I promise I'll keep her safe and give her the whole world."

"We know you will." Lori smiled.


Later that night, after Sadie's parents left, you and Sadie were cuddling in your bed as the two of you watched tv.

"Hey, now that we're free to socialize publicly." You started and Sadie looked up at you. "Would you care to join me for a celebratory dinner date at your favorite restaurant? Tomorrow at 7?"

"I would love that." Sadie smiled.

"Great." You leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips.

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