Enchanted | S.S. (Part 1)

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You and your band played a gig every Saturday night at a bar downtown. You didn't make any music you just played covers of songs. You were standing on the stage, tuning up your guitar, when your friend Charlie walked up to you. He was the drummer in your band.

"Hey." He said.

"Hm?" You hummed, not looking up from your guitar.

"There's a hot redhead checking you out at 3 o'clock." Charlie told you.

You looked up from your guitar and furrowed your eyebrows at him. "What?"

"What do you mean, 'what'?" He asked you.

"What the fuck is 3 o'clock?" You asked.

"Oh my god." Charlie groaned. "Just look by the window."

You looked over by the window and noticed a redheaded girl sitting with another girl who had brown hair. The brown haired girl was on her phone and the redhead was indeed looking at you.

You gave her a slight smile and a little wave. She smiled back at you and then looked away from you with a light blush on her cheeks.

"She's so into you." Charlie noted.

"She's so pretty. Should I go talk to her?" You asked him.

"You'd be stupid not too." He responded.

You looked at girl before sighing and nodding. "Okay."

"Atta girl." Charlie patted your shoulder.

You were about to walk over there but Sabrina, the singer of the band, grabbed your hand.

"Not so fast." Sabrina stopped you. "We're about to start. You can talk to her after."

"Aww." You pouted.


Sadies Pov

Me and Millie were at the bar just getting a few drinks. We found out that there was some band playing so we decided to sit down and watch them. They were actually pretty good, especially the guitarist.

"Wow. They were really good." I complemented the band once they finished the last song of the night.

"Yeah. The guitarist couldn't keep her eyes off of you." Millie smirked.

"Off of me?" I asked.


I looked over at the guitarist to see her talking to the drummer of the band. She was very beautiful.

"You should go talk to her." Millie encouraged.

"I don't know what to say to her." I shrugged.

Millie glanced behind me before looking back at me. "Well, you better think quick. Here she comes."

"What?!" I quickly looked over and sure enough she was walking over to our table.

"Have fun." Millie said in a sing-song voice before picking up her drink and leaving.

3rd person pov

"Uh, hi." You said. "Can I join you?"

"Sure." Sadie smiled at you.

"I'm y/n." You introduced.

"I'm Sadie. You're really good at guitar." Sadie complimented.

"Oh, thank you."

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