Trouble Makers | Z.B. (Part 2)

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Requested by slvt_for_girls

The next morning you were woken up by Cindy pushing your shoulder.

"Wake up." Cindy said.

"Why?" You groaned. "Im still on cabin arrest which means I can sleep in."

Cindy pulled the covers off of you causing you to sit up in anger.

"What the hell?!" You yelled.

"I just came to check on you." Cindy said.

"I was doing fine until you woke me up." You harshly told her.

"For once in your life could you just not be so negative towards me?" Cindy asked.

"For once in your life could you leave me alone? Look you may be my best friends older sister but that doesn't mean you can boss me around." You crossed your arms.

"Im a counselor of course I can boss you around." She told you causing you to roll your eyes. "I'll be back in an hour." She said before leaving.

You flipped her off behind your back. You heard an unexpected knock at your window causing you to scream and turn around.

You saw Ziggy outside your window, trying to hold in her laugh. You sighed of relief before walking to your window and opening it.

"Sorry. Didnt mean to scare you." Ziggy smiled as she climbed into your cabin.

"Its fine." You told her.

"Cindy bugging you?" Ziggy asked as she had watched you and Cindy fight.

"You have no idea." You rolled your eyes.

"Did you tell her about... us?" Ziggy wondered.

"Oh, no. As far as she knows me and you are best friends." You told her.

"Good." Ziggy said.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" You asked.

"I told you I'd be back to hang out." She smirked, once again putting air quotes around hang out.

"Right." You said. "Can you last an hour?" You teased.

"I should be asking you the same thing." She smirked as she pushed you down on your bed.

Ziggy crawled on top of you and hovered over you. She leaned down and kissed you on the lips. You put your hand on the back of her neck, pulling her closer.

Ziggy moved her kisses down your neck. You let out a moan as she sucked on your sweet spot, leaving a hickey.

Once she was satisfied with the amount of marks she left, she removed her lips from your neck.


"Yes, baby?" Ziggy asked.

"Ive never had sex before..." you told her.

"Do you wanna stop?" She asked as she sat up.

"No, no, no. Just... please be gentle." You said.

"Of course." Ziggy said before sticking her fingers in the waistband on your shorts and pulling them down, along with your underwear.

She put her hands on your knees and spread your legs a part. Ziggy looked at you and saw the worried look on your face.

"Just relax." She told you. "It'll feel good I promise."

You nodded. She leaned down and was about to attach her lips to your pussy but she got an idea.

"If you need me to stop, yell out 'red'. Got it?" Ziggy asked you.

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