Stressful Day | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

You walked into your shared bedroom to see Sadie laying in bed while playing on the Xbox. You took off your shoes before crawling on the bed. Sadie opened her arms and you laid on her chest.

"You okay?" Sadie asked you as she wrapped her arms around your waist and started playing her game again.

"I had a stressful day." You told her.

"Im sorry, baby. What happened?" Sadie asked.

"I kept messing up the scene and we had to do it like 500 times." You explained. "I felt like I was holding everybody back."

"We all have those days. Don't stress about it too much." Sadie said.

You sighed. "What are you playing?"

"COD." Sadie said.

"What's that?"

"Call Of Duty?"


Sadie chuckled. "Are you gonna fall asleep?"

"I don't know. You're really comfy." You replied as you buried your face in her chest. "Did you miss me today?"

"Of course. I always miss you." Sadie smiled.

You smiled before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too, baby." Sadie smiled.

"How was your day?" You asked her.

"Boring. I just sat here all day." Sadie told you, her eyes never leaving the tv.

"Oh. Well, do you wanna have some fun right now?" You smirked.

"I'm having fun just talking to you." Sadie said.

"Aww. You're sweet but that's not what I meant." You told her as you got off of her.

"What did you mean?" She asked.

You bit your lip as you played with the strings on her sweatpants. This flipped a switch in her brain and she knew exactly what you meant.

"Ohhh." Sadie smirked. "Yeah, have at it."

You put your fingers in the waistband of her sweatpants and pulled them down, along with her boxers. Sadie lifted her hips so that it would be easier to pull them down. Sadie was about to put down her controller but you stopped her.

"Keep playing." You told her and she immediately put two hands back on it and continued playing.

Sadie wasn't fully erected yet but it probably wouldn't take long for her to be completely hard. You brushed your thumb over her tip, causing shivers to run down her spine.

Sadie leaned back, her hands still firmly holding her controller. You stopped brushing her tip and wrapped your hand around her shaft, slowly stroking it up and down. Sadie was fully hard now.

Sadie gave you a brief look. You looked at her as you leaned down to take her length in your mouth.

"Fuck." Sadie cursed under her breath as you bobbed your head up and down.

You closed your eyes as you slid your tongue back and forth over the vein running up and down her dick. Your hand stroked whatever wasn't inside of your mouth.

When you pulled away to catch a breath, Sadie looked down to see her dick covered in your saliva and precum. You took one final deep breath before you started to unbutton your jeans.

Sadie knew what you were about to do so she sat up, leaning her back flat against the headboard. She set her controller down on her bedside table as you pulled down your jeans and underwear.

You bit your lip as you moved to straddle her. You hoved yourself over her dick and slowly sank down. You groaned at the feeling of her filling you up. You clenched around her, moving your hips back and forth.

"Shit." Sadie groaned.

You wrapped your arms around her neck and leaned in to kiss her. She gladly kissed back. Sadie put her hands on your hips to guide your movements.

"Fuck, y/n/n." Sadie moaned against your lips.

"I told you this would be fun." You smiled into the kiss as you sped up your movements.

"Shit. I'm close." Sadie told you.

You lifted up your hips and quickly sat back down and she instantly came inside of you.

"Oh fuck." Sadie moaned as she threw her head back.

You didn't stop your movements as you still needed to cum. To help you out, Sadie lifted her hips up and thrusted into you.

"Sadie." You moaned. "Faster..."

Sadie sped up her thrusts, pushing deeper inside of you and hitting your g-spot.

"Sadie!" You screamed.

Sadie felt your walls clench around her dick. "Cum for me, baby."

You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut as you came all over her dick.

"Oh, yeah... that's my good girl." Sadie praised as she smirked at your facial expressions.

You slowed down your movements as you came down from your high. Sadie fully wrapped her arms around your waist as she pulled your closer to her. You relaxed in her arms, burying your face in the crook of her neck, and feeling how her dick started to soften inside of you.

"You were right." Sadie smirked. "That was fun."

Im out ideas so if u have any requests pls lmk

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