Sadie's Not So Secret Girlfriend | S.S.

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The first day you met Sadie was when she first came over to your house. Your brother, Finn, was having a little get together and she had walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water while you were eating a snack.

You've always had a crush on her since she joined the cast. You weren't in Stranger Things but you've watched it, mostly for Sadie.

You two ended up introducing each other and having a conversation and you really hit it off. You ended up going a date a few days later and then after the fourth date she asked you to be her girlfriend.

Of course you said yes but the only problem is that you had to keep it a secret from Finn because you weren't sure how he'd react if he found out that one of his best friends was dating his sister.

You and Sadie have been together for almost a year and you still haven't told him. You're surprised you and Sadie were able to keep it a secret for this long. Every night you'd sneak out to hang out with her or she'd sneak into your room.

You were in your room setting up a movie date for you and Sadie while you waited for her to arrive at your house. You got some sodas, made popcorn, and put her favorite movie on the tv.

You walked into your room with the bowl of popcorn and set it down on your bed just as Sadie knocked on your bedroom window. You walked over to the window and opened it, letting her inside your room.

"Hey. Is your brother here?" Sadie asked as she stepped inside your room.

"No. He went out." You told her.

"Good." Sadie said before giving you a peck on the lips and sitting down on your bed.

You smiled before you shut of the lights, grabbed the remote, and sat down next to her. You put the bowl of popcorn in your lap as you played the movie.


"I'm bored." Sadie said after about an hour and a half.

"You wanted to watch this movie." You smiled as you looked at her.

Sadie smirked. "Maybe I want something else."

The way she said it cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach. "And what would that be?"

"I think you know..."

You knew she wanted you but you wanted to hear her say it. "I don't think I do."

Sadie glanced down at your lips. "I want you..."

You quickly straddled her waist, catching her lips in a lustful kiss. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she placed her hands on your waist, sliding them up your shirt.

You pulled away from the kiss so that she could pull your shirt off your body. Sadie threw your shirt on the ground before attacking your neck with her lips.

You ran your fingers through her hair and tilted your head back to give her better access. You let out soft moans as you trailed your hand down her chest and started to unbutton her jeans.

Sadie pulled away from your neck and moved your hands away. You looked at her in confusion.

"You're going on the bottom." She smirked as she flipped your positions so that she was hovering above you.

You giggled as you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her.

Before you could go any further, you heard the door to your house open. You and Sadie pulled away and looked at each other.

"Y/n?" You heard Finn shout.

"Shit!" You gasped and pushed Sadie off of you.

"Ow!" Sadie said as she hit the floor.

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