I Love You | T.D.

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You were working the slingshot ride at the carnival when you heard a few complaints coming from the line. You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around to see Tess cutting everyone.

"Take me up." Tess said as she walked over to you.

You shook your head. "Tess, you can't cut the line."

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Yeah! Besides you're not even tall enough to ride." You teased.

"Dick." Tess smiled as she shook her head. "Now take me up."


Tess rolled her eyes before she grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you in for a kiss. "Please." She whispered against your lips.


"No, no, no, no!" Tess shouted as the slingshot started to go up. "Take me down! I can't do it!"

"Yes you can!" You smiled.

You and Tess were on the ride and she was regretting everything. She was screaming and yelling the whole way up as she held onto your arm for dear life.

"No, no. I'm scared of heights. Please." Tess begged as she closed her eyes.

"Trust me. I got you." You laughed.

"No, I don't care! Just tell them to take me down!" Tess yelled at you.

"You can't turn back now, we're already a hundred and something feet up." You smirked.

"I don't care! Just, please, make them stop! Please!"

Suddenly you guys were all the way at the top and the ride stopped moving. You looked over at Tess to see her with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Stop like that?" You asked her.

"Ugh." Tess groaned.

"Open your eyes." You told her. "Tess, open your eyes."


"Come on." You laughed. "Open your eyes."

"Nuh-uh." Tess shook her head.

"This is what you wanted. We're here now. Open your eyes." You said.


"You gotta look at this view."


"Open your eyes." You waited for Tess to answer but she didn't. "I love you. Open your eyes."

Tess quickly opened her eyes and looked at you. "What did you say?"

"Hm?" You hummed.

"What did you say? Just now." Tess smiled.

"What did you say just now?" You smiled.

"No, what did you just say?" She asked again.

"I said open your eyes. You gotta see." You pointed to the lemonade stand that Tess worked at. "See the lemonade stand."

"No." Tess laughed.

"There's Vicky's right there." You said.

"No. Look at me. Look." Tess tapped your shoulder trying to get your attention. "I'm serious."

"I said I love you, Tess." You smiled as you gazed into her eyes.

"I love you, too." Tess smiled.

"Then let's fly." You pulled the cord and you guys dropped.

You and Tess screamed the whole way down. You were screaming for joy and Tess was screaming because she was scared.

"Oh my god!" Tess laughed.

"You did it!" You exclaimed after you both got off the ride.

"I did it!" She laughed before kissing you.


After you and Tess left the carnival, you went to your house and she went to her house. You changed out of your work clothes before going over to your window.

You looked out the window and noticed that Tess had just finished putting on her tank top.

"DeNunzio." You shouted and she looked at you. "Get over here."

Tess smiled as she watched you put the latter between your houses.

Once she was safely in your room she threw her arms around your neck and kissed you. You kissed her back as she guided you over to your bed.

She pushed you on the bed so that you were laying down. Tess smirked as she crawled on top of you and hovered over you. She leaned down and started to kiss your neck

"Tess." You whimpered as she bit on your neck.

Tess kissed up your neck and jawline before she placed her lips back on yours. You felt her smile into the kiss as you played with the hem of her shirt.

"Tess DeNunzio!"

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