Someday | S.S.

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When Sadie came home from work on a Friday night, she saw you cooking dinner in the kitchen with your favorite artists music playing on the speaker.

Sadie leaned on the counter behind you with a smile on her face as she watched you sing and dance around the kitchen. You did a spin and noticed Sadie watching you causing you to scream and place your hand on your heart.

"Sadie!" You yelled as you placed a hand on the counter.

Sadie laughed. "Don't mind me. Continue what you were doing."

You picked up a small towel and threw it at her before going back to the stove. Sadie playfully rolled her eyes at you before wrapping her arms around your waist.

"So what are you making?" Sadie asked as she rested her chin on your shoulder.

"Your favorite soup." You dipped a spoon in the soup and turned around in her arms. "Wanna taste?"

Sadie nodded and you smiled as you fed her the soup. You looked at Sadie for a few seconds, waiting for her feedback on the soup.

"Delicious as always, my love." Sadie told you before kissing you on the lips.

You blushed and put the spoon down on the counter as the song playing changed to Lover by Taylor Swift. "I love this song!"

"Dance with me." Sadie said.

You smiled and nodded as you wrapped your arms around her neck. Sadie pulled you closer to her and you rested your head against her shoulder. She kissed the top of your head as you two swayed side to side.

"I'm gonna marry you someday..." Sadie whispered after a few seconds.

"What?" You softly asked as you pulled away from her.

Sadie slightly widened her eyes and realized she said that outloud. "Uh, I... I said I'm gonna marry you someday."

You placed your hand on her jaw and kissed her. Sadie smiled into the kiss as your lips moved in sync.

You pulled away after a few seconds, leaving only a few centimeters between your lips. "I wouldn't dream of marrying anybody else."


A few months later was yours and Sadie's seven year anniversary. She had a fancy dinner date planned followed by a surprise location.

You were in the bathroom, putting the final touches of your makeup on when Sadie walked into the bathroom.

"Y/n/n, are you-" Sadie paused, her jaw dropping at your long wavy hair, your tight dress, and perfect makeup. "Oh, fuck."

"Hi, Sadie." You smiled and turned around to face her. "I'm ready for dinner."

Sadie placed her hands on your hips and pulled you closer. You let out a small giggle as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

"What do you say we leave in... 10 minutes?" Sadie smirked as she slowly pulled down the zipper on your dress.

"I would love too but we have reservations in 5 minutes." You told her. "Now zip my dress back up so we can leave."

Sadie let out a small groan as she zipped your dress back up. You playfully rolled your eyes at her before taking her hand and pulling her out of the bathroom.


The restaurant Sadie took you to was the same restaurant that she took you to on your one year anniversary.

You ordered the Filet Mignon steak and Sadie ordered the salad. You spent almost two hours at the restaurant, talking, laughing, and eating.

After dinner it was time for Sadie to take you to her surprise location. She drove for about half an hour before handing you a blindfold.

"Are you gonna murder me?" You asked Sadie as she pulled up to a hiking trail.

"No." Sadie laughed as she got out the car, walking around it to open your door.

You got out the car and Sadie helped you tie the blindfold around your eyes. You held out your hands and Sadie took them as she started to guide you down the trail.

"It's about a ten minute hike but it'll be worth it, trust me." Sadie promised you.

"I trust you." You smiled. "Just don't let me fall or anything."

"I won't." Sadie laughed.


"We're here." Sadie said as she stopped walking.

"And where is here?" You asked her.

Sadie got behind you and started to take off your blindfold. You let out a gasp at the view of the city of Las Angeles all lit up.

"So... what do you think?" Sadie asked with anticipation.

"Sadie, it's beautiful." You took her hand and started pulling her to the edge of the cliff.

Sadie took out her phone and took a picture of you walking with the view behind you, she made sure to get your intertwined hands in the picture.

"Smile, y/n." Sadie told you.

You turned around to face her, realizing she wanted a picture. You smiled and Sadie took a picture of you. Sadie kissed you on the lips and put her phone away.

You and Sadie stood at the edge of the cliff in a comfortable silence as you both enjoyed the view.

"Hey, y/n/n?" Sadie put her hand on your back after a few minutes.

You hummed and turned to face her. Sadie reached into her back pocket, pulling out a ring box before getting down on one knee. You slowly let go of her hand and covered your mouth in shock.

"Y/n/n, the day I met you I felt a connection. I knew we were gonna be more than friends. You were my first friend on set, my first girlfriend, my first love, my first time and I couldn't have asked for a better partner. These seven years have been the best years of my life and I'm hoping we can spend many more together." Sadie opened up the ring box, revealing a ring with a diamond on it and small diamonds wrapped around the ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Hell yeah I'll marry you." You exclaimed as you wiped your tears.

Sadie smiled and let out a soft laugh as she stood up. You held out your hand as Sadie took the ring out of the box, putting it on your finger.

Once the ring was on your finger, you threw your arms around her neck. Sadie's arms wrapped around your waist as she pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss filled with love.


Liked by noahschnapp and 2,909,687 othersy/nl/n: have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

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Liked by noahschnapp and 2,909,687 others
y/nl/n: have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

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