Imagine he surprises you

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Luke: you knew luke was coming home but you didn't know when because he wouldn't tell you when he would be home because he wanted to surprise you but you didn't know that. You were at yours and Luke's appartment by yourself when you heard someone walking through the front door you were upstairs in yours and Luke's bedroom you slowly went out and walked downstairs to see who was here, slowly then you slowly walked into the kitchen and you gasped it was Luke. He turned around and said "hey babe." You ran to him and he hugged you tightly and you said "I missed you so much how long are you back for." He said "I missed you too and for a long time now." Then he passontaly kissed you on the lips and you two cuddled and talked about everything he's missed over these past couple of months.

Calum: you and your friends were at the mall you were tring not to think about calum that much because you missed him so much and you thought spending the day with your friends would help which it did. Then you guys walked into a store and you saw someone that looked Excatly like calum but you didn't think it was him so you shrugged it off and continued shopping thinking it was just your mind playing tricks on you. But then someone wrapped their arms around you waist and whispered in your ear "missed me." You spun around quickly and squeled once you saw it was calum he hugged you tightly and you said "I missed you so much." He said "I missed you to so so much." Then you two kissed and your friends awe and you blushed the rest of the day you guys hung out together just catching up.

Michael: you and your friends were at a scary movie you didn't want to go at first because you didn't like scary movies and you only watch them with Michael because he would protect you but you thought it was a good idea to hang out with your friends to get your mind off of michale since you missed him dearly. you walked into the theater and took your seats a couple mintues later 4 teenage boys sat in front of you guys you one of them had black hair and it reminded you of Michael you sighed and you knew it wasn't him because you knew he was still on tour.

Then he turned to talk to his friend who happened to be calum and you gasped because it was Michael. You said "michael." He turned around and said "fancy seeing you here YN I thought you didn't like scary movies or at less without me you can't watch them." You got out of your seat and climbed over the seats and took the seat next to him he got up and you two hugged and he said "I missed you so much." You said into his chest "I missed you too how long are you home for." He said "for along time."Then you guys kissed and you sat with him through the whole movie.

Ashton: you and your friends were hanging out at yours and Ashton's house just chillin and watching tv so you could get your mind off of Ashton then you heard someone walk through the back door and you quietly went to the kitchen and saw Ashton you screamed and ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "I missed you so much how long are you going to be home for." You said "I missed you too and for a long time." You pulled away and passontly kissed him and your friends stared at the two of you in awe and then they said "we'll  just be leaving." and then they left and you guys cuddled and talked for the rest of the day.

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