Imagine You have a panic attack

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Micahael: Now Michael knew you had a bad past with you're last boyfriend who abused you and did horrible things to you,you were at Michael's concert when you saw the one person you thought you would never see again and never wanted to see again but it was you're ex you couldn't breath you started panicking and ran over to Michael  you didn't care if he was with fans right now you needed him the most right now and he caught you and hugged you you didn't care if you ran in front of a fan even know the fan wasn't happy and glaring at you  but you could care less right now then he saw you're ex and then said to you "hey look at me?" And took your shoulders You looked at him into his beautiful eyes and was breathing heavily he said "just breath you'll be ok I'll get him to leave ok just keep breathing ok." You took deep breaths and he just held you until you were ok. After a few minutes your breathing was back to Normal. Then he went to tell you're ex to leave leaving you with the boys who stood in front of you protectively and your ex did leave and then Michael came back over to you and said "you're safe now." You said "thank you mikey." He said "anything for you love." Then you enjoyed the concert.

Luke: You were in front row watching you're boyfriend luke and you're best friends on stage having a blast but then you got very caustaphobic you couldn't breath the club was so small that people where pushing you and you were getting jammed into the middle also into the barricades Luke could tell you weren't comfortable at all and he could tell you couldn't breath he said into the microphone "hey guys please back up a little you guys are squishing people who are next to you or in front of you and we don't want anyone to get hurt or passing out or having any attacks there's other people around you guys to so please be mindful of them and be respectful." They backed up but you're breathing was still un even and you were shaking uncontrollably Luke said into the microphone again "hang on one second I'll be back in a second." He hopped off stage everyone screamed and tried to grab him security held the fans back then he brought you over the barricades and hugged you tightly and brought you back stage he hugged you and said "you're ok now you're staying back here for the rest of the show just breath ok just breath." You nodded agreeing with him he didn't leave to go back on stage until you were 100% he got you a water once you were he went back out and contuide the show you stayed backstage for the rest of the shows you went too.

Calum:you were lost in the big city of Boston all by you're self you were having a panic attack you decided to call Calum since he's here he picked up on the first ring and said "hey babe." You said "Calum can you come get me please I can't breath I'm having a panic attack and I'm lost in Boston I'm by south station please come and get me please." He said "babe calm Down we're on our way we'll be there soon stay on the phone with me." You stayed on the phone with him and when he arrived you ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "you're ok now but you're sticking with us ok?" You nodded he just held you while you guys got in the car you were safe now thanks to your life saver.

Ashton: someone broke into your house and you were having a panic attack because you didn't know who it was you called Ashton and he picked up on the first ring you didn't even let him speak you said "ash please get here if you can I'm having a panic attack because someone's in my house I called the police and they are on their way but I'm freaking out right now." He said "babe stay calm we are on our way." Then he stayed on the phone with you until they got there once they did you ran to him and he hugged you and said "you're safe now." The police got the crazy fan that broke into your house and took her away and Ashton just held you until you calmed down you eventually did then you just cuddled with him the rest of the night and the other boys were chilling with you guys too.

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