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Luke:(age:12): this was the first time ever that you were having your friends over because you didn't know if you could trust them but now you do and all they talk about is 5sos which you're fine with it just made you miss your brother more you sighed and your friends said "what's wrong?" You said "it's nothing." They said "are you sure?" You said "yeah I'm positive." They weren't convinced but let it go since they realize you didn't want to talk about it then you heard someone say their home and it was your brother and the boys you gasped and ran downstairs leaving your friends standing at the top of the stairs you jumped into Luke's arms he caught you he said "gosh I missed you so much." You said "I missed you too." You then said hi to the others and your friends said "we'll just go to let you spend time with them." Luke said "non sense my sister never has any of her friends over so you guys are welcome to stay." They said "are you sure?" You said "yeah it's fine oh and he's my brother by the way." They said "we see that now." Then you guys just chilled with them the rest of the day happy their back.

Calum:(age:13): you were playing Soccor in the back yard with your friends when they screamed making you trip over the ball you said "what was that for?" and got up They said "the Calum Thomas hood and the rest of the band are in your backyard!!!!" You said "ok and so that doesn't mean you have to scream." They looked at you like you were crazy and said "why are they in your back yard why aren't you going crazy do you know who they are?!?!" You said "calum's my brother and the others are like my brothers so I'm so use to it their going to play with us is that ok girls?" They said "yeah fine with us." You walked over to them and said "want to join us?" Calum said "don't want to intrude." You said "we don't mind." Then they joined you girls and you guys played the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:14): your friend walked in coming back from the bathroom and said "guys I just had my dream come true I walked in on Ashton Irwin Calum Hood Niall Horan Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford all shirtless in the living room!!!!" Your friends gasped and screamed you said "jeez was that nessary." They said "yeah why aren't you screaming?" You said "he's my brother and their all like brothers to me so that's werid to me."They said "oh we didn't know that." You said "I don't tell many people." They said "we see why." Then you guys walked down stairs and hung out with them the rest of the day your friends where in a trance you just laughed and said "you girls are such fangirls." They snapped out of it and said "oh please your bad with one direction." Niall chuckled and said "she's wrose with harry." Everyone laughed and You blushed then you just watch them play video games the rest of the day and played with them too.

Michael:(age:15): you girls were shopping with crystal and Serria you guys got back to the house and the boys where there your friends gasped and said "you were telling the truth!!!" You said "yeah I was I'm not crazy." They said "you are but your not going crazy wow we're so jelous of you." You said "a lot of people are." They said "we bet." Then for the rest of the day you girls hung out with them and just talked and had a grand all time with them.

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