Imagine you cut and another boy finds out

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Luke: the hate got to you but you didn't dare to tell the boys that would make them worry so much and they already worry about you a lot. The other boys took you in like a sister they are extremely protective over you and so is luke of course but you decided to take the hate in to your own hands that's why you turned to cutting and you knew the boys would flip if they found out you did this especially ashton that's why you hid it from them and you hated hiding things from them but you couldn't tell them but then one day as you were doing this the one person you hoped would never walk in on you doing this to your self did it was ashton you gasped and hid the razor behind your back he said "hand it over now." And he was serious you wanted to but you couldn't so he took it from you and went downstairs with it and you followed and said "don't." You watched as he threw it in the trash you said "why!!!" He said "why do you do this to yourself YN you know how dangerous this is!!! Why do you do this?!?" You said "because of the hate ash I can't take it anymore there's just so much I just want it all to end!!!"He came over to you and hugged you tightly and said "why didn't you tell us this darling we can help you This isn't the answer." You said "because I didn't want you guys to worry." He said "darling we'll always worry now let's go tell Luke." But little did you know that all the yelling from the kitchen got the boys attention and luke already knew and was heartbroken he hugged you tightly and said "we will help you through this I love you so much please don't do this to your self any more promise me." You said "I promise."

Then ashton drew a butterfly on your wrist you got it tattooed to your wrist and from that day on you never ever picked up another razor to your wrist ever again you could never let them down or break a promise.

Calum: now calum knew you got hate and bullied at school he didn't think it affected you that much but it did and you didn't want to tell him because he already worries enough about you you didn't want him to worry more so you decided to turn to the one thing that does take the pain away which was the razor you were in your room right now crying and cutting today was a bad day and you didn't dare to tell any of the boys about this either they all worry about you so much you don't want them to worry more until your door opened and luke saw you and froze you said "please leave." He said "no." He walked over to you and took the razor you chased after him and screamed "LUKE PLEASE." He threw it out and went over to you and hugged you you said "why did you do that!!" He said "it isn't the answer tell me what's going on and why you turned to this." You said "the hate and the bulling are getting worse and worse lukey I can't do this anymore." you started crying he hugged you tightly he said "calum me and and the boys will help you through this we will."

Then you heard a voice who belongs to calum say "we will we'll put a end to this just please don't do this to your self." You nodded and said "I promised." He hugged you and kissed your head he cleaned up your cuts and they did put a stop to it all and you did keep your promise you were happy to have these boys in your life you didn't know what you would do without them.

Ashton: now you got hate in school online and on the streets and you didn't dare to tell the boys who already worry about you 24/7 so you took matters into your own hands and turned to the one thing you never wanted to turn to because if ashton found out he would probably have your head and be very upset you didn't want to upset him. So you secretly did this but soon your secret was exposed when Michael walked in he didn't say anything he took your razor and went downstairs you followed and ran after him and jumped on his back and said "NO MICHAEL PLEASE NO PLEASE!!!!" He threw it out and you ran back up to your room he quickly followed when you took out your box he took it and went to kitchen and threw the whole thing away you were sobbing by now he hugged you tightly and Michael said "why?" You said "the hate is to much I didn't tell you boys because I didn't want you guys to worry and I knew ash would flip out on me."

Then a voice you recognize right away it belonged to Ashton said "love we'll always worry about you we'll help you through this I love you so much and I won't let people do this to you." He hugged you as you nodded into his chest he kissed your head and they did help you and you got no hate after they were done with the people that sent it to you you were so greatful for the boys.

Michael: you thought you weren't good enough for Michael and people told you that and you believed them so you turned to the worse which was cutting you knew Ashton would have your head if he found out you did this. This was your only choice since you didn't want to tell the boys you were getting away with it until one day calum walked in on you doing this he grabbed the razor and threw it away in the garbage and cleaned your wrist you said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you boys I didn't want you guys to get mad at me." Michael said "babe you know we would never get mad at you we'll help you through this we promise." You nodded and they did help you through this you were better in the matter of days and the hate stopped and you knew you were the one for Michael you were happy now.

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